Cure for CF??? "The spice of life perhaps"


New member
Mary I am a 28 year old female with CF, and yes you are "sounding pesimesitic". I can understand your lack of hope. But hope is what I have been living with for all these years. If you don't have that you hold on to nothing. I know it is hard but I have been married for 3 years and I am determined to live a full life with my husband. I have never believed that I was going to "go" by CF and I had a sister pass from the disease many years ago. This is a break through, and you have to believe. There are alot of things we tend not to believe because we have to see to believe but we will. You are younger then me and I believe in my life time I will see a cure. If we don't at least we said we believed, please hold on to it.Concerned , canada


New member
If you want to stop postulating and start seeing what Curcumin does for people with CF then go here:


New member
Good for you Luke. It has also disappointed me with reading this. There is alot to be said for natural therapies! Have you ever heard of anyone dieing from an over dose of vitamins? Or too much curry? vegies etc?These are things found naturally occuring in nature and are there to enhance our bodies to function at our optimum levels. It may not be a cure - but it may aleviate symptoms and support the bodies of CFers to operate and function better than they might without them!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">Cassie


New member
Keep in mind there are many natural substances that aren't so good to just take at will. Marijuana, for instance. And ephedra. That was the major selling point in those diet pills, it was natural, so it must be safe. Well if it was safe, would people have been dropping dead from it? I think not. I'm not saying this is the same, but just to keep that in mind, is all.


New member
Carry hope aloft!This study with Curcumin was not conducted by a back room herbalist in San Francisco. It was done by Yale researchers. Just because Curcumin is a commercially available herb it doesn't mean its out of the realm of hardcore Western science. Several people who have taken Curcumin on the link above have noticed significant reduction in salty sweat. That isn't the result of Curcumin acting as a herbal wholistic remedy or treating the diseases symptoms but as a corrector of the CFTR defect. I think the science behind Curcumin fixing the defective gene is solid and applicable in humans. I guess the next question is how to improve its penetration and lasting effect into the body without side effects.To Emily's point, curcumin unlike marijuana or ephedrine has been eaten and used by people for centuries without major side effect. Of course, you can't be naive and assume things are safe because they aren't chemically processed. Heroine is all-natural and a Big Mac is totally processed. Which do you think is less damaging?Brad


New member
I agree with you totally brad. We don't know enough yet, but as you said, these studies aren't coming from non official medical institutions. About the Heroine though. I am not a doctor or a scientist, but I think a Big Mac might do more damage than Heroine. Really I am not sure and would invite someone to correct me if they really know but I think Heroine causes more problems to your body when you stop taking it. Hehehe...sorry I got off topic....Jake