CVS - testing fetus for CF


New member

I am sorry for your loss and can certainly appreciate your story. It doesn't really matter if the risk is 1 in 100 or 1 in a million, when it happens to you it is 100%.

Of course we would all make different decisions if we knew the future. But we don't, all we get to do is make the best decision for ourselves and our families at the time, given the information we have.

Based on that, you made the best decision for you. It is being really hard on yourself to say you have regretted the decision every day of your life since then. Obviously you regret the outcome, but from what you wrote, it sounds to me that you don't regret the decision.

Maybe trying to think of it a little differently might make it a little easier to cope.

Again I am sorry for your loss. If you want, my direct contact information is below.



New member
Thanks for the reply and words of support/encouragement. You were right when you said I regret the outcome, not the decision. Like I said, at that time in my life that is what I felt I needed to do.

It does get easier to cope with each day, and having a strong faith in God has helped. After all my husband and I have been through, I truly believe that everything in life does happen for a reason.

It has been 2 1/2 years since this has happened. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about our daughter we lost. But since that time, we adopted our daughter, Macey. She was placed in our arms when she was only 6 days old! She has been a true blessing from God. She is now a very active and energetic 1 1/2 year old who loves to pick on her big brother! Like I said, she is a true gift from God. Again, thanks for your kind words. It means a lot!

Jodi, mom to Tucker w/cf & Macey, no cf


New member
Thanks for the reply and words of support/encouragement. You were right when you said I regret the outcome, not the decision. Like I said, at that time in my life that is what I felt I needed to do.

It does get easier to cope with each day, and having a strong faith in God has helped. After all my husband and I have been through, I truly believe that everything in life does happen for a reason.

It has been 2 1/2 years since this has happened. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about our daughter we lost. But since that time, we adopted our daughter, Macey. She was placed in our arms when she was only 6 days old! She has been a true blessing from God. She is now a very active and energetic 1 1/2 year old who loves to pick on her big brother! Like I said, she is a true gift from God. Again, thanks for your kind words. It means a lot!

Jodi, mom to Tucker w/cf & Macey, no cf


New member
Thanks for the reply and words of support/encouragement. You were right when you said I regret the outcome, not the decision. Like I said, at that time in my life that is what I felt I needed to do.

It does get easier to cope with each day, and having a strong faith in God has helped. After all my husband and I have been through, I truly believe that everything in life does happen for a reason.

It has been 2 1/2 years since this has happened. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about our daughter we lost. But since that time, we adopted our daughter, Macey. She was placed in our arms when she was only 6 days old! She has been a true blessing from God. She is now a very active and energetic 1 1/2 year old who loves to pick on her big brother! Like I said, she is a true gift from God. Again, thanks for your kind words. It means a lot!

Jodi, mom to Tucker w/cf & Macey, no cf


New member

That is very nice to hear. I also believe things happen for a reason and we do make the best of what we are dealt. I know this is a weird way to look at things and it in no way is meant to take away from Rylie's loss, but I would bet that you cannot imagine your life without Macey.

If things had worked out differently, you would have never known her. Just another way to look at how things work out sometimes.

It sounds like you have a very wonderful and loving family, you should all be very proud.



New member

That is very nice to hear. I also believe things happen for a reason and we do make the best of what we are dealt. I know this is a weird way to look at things and it in no way is meant to take away from Rylie's loss, but I would bet that you cannot imagine your life without Macey.

If things had worked out differently, you would have never known her. Just another way to look at how things work out sometimes.

It sounds like you have a very wonderful and loving family, you should all be very proud.



New member

That is very nice to hear. I also believe things happen for a reason and we do make the best of what we are dealt. I know this is a weird way to look at things and it in no way is meant to take away from Rylie's loss, but I would bet that you cannot imagine your life without Macey.

If things had worked out differently, you would have never known her. Just another way to look at how things work out sometimes.

It sounds like you have a very wonderful and loving family, you should all be very proud.



New member
You're right . . . I couldn't imagine my life without Macey in it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks again for your reply!


New member
You're right . . . I couldn't imagine my life without Macey in it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks again for your reply!


New member
You're right . . . I couldn't imagine my life without Macey in it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks again for your reply!