Wow! I have only known one other person with EDS and CF, nice to know others with the same issues are out there. The hypermobility is something else, causes my joints to dislocate at will (dislocated my hip during childbirth) and I have pretty much everything else that goes with this syndrome (very poor eyesight, high palate, arrhythmias and yes...hypotonia). It's sometimes hard to differentiate between what is CF related or EDS related as they both involve so many systems. I also have a bleeding disorder that makes my blood clot way too easily....complicates my CF as I have occasional hemoptysis and I'm on blood thinners for life.
When were you finally diagnosed with EDS Tombliboo? I was diagnosed about 4 years ago after being called nuts by 3 different rheumys , saying that since my xrays weren't horrible, that the pain was not real. Pfffft....I ultimately found a geneticist who specialized in collagen disorders and he immediately thought EDS. After some tests and a very thorough physical, I was diagnosed with EDS III. My daughter has hypermobility joint disorder (not the full EDS syndrome) fact, if she didn't have pain in her joints and didn't dislocate them, I would never have found my current doctor and who knows, I would have still been asked to see a shrink. biggest problem with EDS is pain control (and accidentally dislocating my ankles or knees). CF was a late diagnosis with me as well, at 33. I am 41 was quite a journey to get the correct diagnosis and care, but I finally am getting it after years of being treated for asthma or allergies along with chronic infections.
Jenn 41 wCF