Cystic Fibrosis and Menopause


New member
I am charting new territory according to my CFRD doctor. What suggestions does anyone have for menopause and CF? I am constantly hot and having those dreaded hot flashes and night sweats. Is there anything else i can do besides black cohosh and vitamin E. Does anyone have any experience with HRT? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks.


New member
I am charting new territory according to my CFRD doctor. What suggestions does anyone have for menopause and CF? I am constantly hot and having those dreaded hot flashes and night sweats. Is there anything else i can do besides black cohosh and vitamin E. Does anyone have any experience with HRT? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks.


New member
I am charting new territory according to my CFRD doctor. What suggestions does anyone have for menopause and CF? I am constantly hot and having those dreaded hot flashes and night sweats. Is there anything else i can do besides black cohosh and vitamin E. Does anyone have any experience with HRT? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks.


New member
I know this is crazy but I want to yell a little "woot woot" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> how awesome to be old enough to make it too that unpleasant life milestone <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I can ask my mom though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> but I imagine you've already talked to woman your age and older about it w/o cf anyways.

Funny story though,

when my mom was going through it, my dad was sick and in our family we take echinacea when we feel bad. My mom was up with me in my collge town and my dad calls her one day just cracking up. Turns out he had been taking the black cohash stuff instead of the echinacea! He says, "No wonder I've been in such a good mood lately"

In my family that just cracked us up haha


New member
I know this is crazy but I want to yell a little "woot woot" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> how awesome to be old enough to make it too that unpleasant life milestone <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I can ask my mom though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> but I imagine you've already talked to woman your age and older about it w/o cf anyways.

Funny story though,

when my mom was going through it, my dad was sick and in our family we take echinacea when we feel bad. My mom was up with me in my collge town and my dad calls her one day just cracking up. Turns out he had been taking the black cohash stuff instead of the echinacea! He says, "No wonder I've been in such a good mood lately"

In my family that just cracked us up haha


New member
I know this is crazy but I want to yell a little "woot woot" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> how awesome to be old enough to make it too that unpleasant life milestone <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />I can ask my mom though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> but I imagine you've already talked to woman your age and older about it w/o cf anyways.
<br />
<br />Funny story though,
<br />
<br />when my mom was going through it, my dad was sick and in our family we take echinacea when we feel bad. My mom was up with me in my collge town and my dad calls her one day just cracking up. Turns out he had been taking the black cohash stuff instead of the echinacea! He says, "No wonder I've been in such a good mood lately"
<br />
<br />In my family that just cracked us up haha


New member
that is too funny...
I have talked with my mom about it, but she doesnt really remember any of it (she is 72 years old). Not much help. Someone said that if you have CF it's earlier than normal. I never heard that. I have heard that if you don't have children that it can be earlier than a woman who has had children.
I never had any children, so I am hoping thats true. I would love to not have menstrual cycles. I had my tubes tied when I was 21 because, at that time, doctors said not to have children due to my health.
I just am tired of being hot and the back of my head being wet from night sweats. My husband doesnt understand anything either, which doesnt help me.
I got a bottle of black cohosh today. Will start taking it tonight. Wish me luck!!


New member
that is too funny...
I have talked with my mom about it, but she doesnt really remember any of it (she is 72 years old). Not much help. Someone said that if you have CF it's earlier than normal. I never heard that. I have heard that if you don't have children that it can be earlier than a woman who has had children.
I never had any children, so I am hoping thats true. I would love to not have menstrual cycles. I had my tubes tied when I was 21 because, at that time, doctors said not to have children due to my health.
I just am tired of being hot and the back of my head being wet from night sweats. My husband doesnt understand anything either, which doesnt help me.
I got a bottle of black cohosh today. Will start taking it tonight. Wish me luck!!


New member
that is too funny...
<br />I have talked with my mom about it, but she doesnt really remember any of it (she is 72 years old). Not much help. Someone said that if you have CF it's earlier than normal. I never heard that. I have heard that if you don't have children that it can be earlier than a woman who has had children.
<br />I never had any children, so I am hoping thats true. I would love to not have menstrual cycles. I had my tubes tied when I was 21 because, at that time, doctors said not to have children due to my health.
<br />I just am tired of being hot and the back of my head being wet from night sweats. My husband doesnt understand anything either, which doesnt help me.
<br />I got a bottle of black cohosh today. Will start taking it tonight. Wish me luck!!


New member
ystic Fibrosis and Menopause

i have no advice for you as far as hot flashes and night sweats go...but i have to say how encouraging it was to come across this thread! I am so glad you are getting to worry about menopause (NOT IN A MEAN WAY) Haha!! It is just such a blessing to make it to that point. I am 24 and i am starting to see small lines around my eyes..and i am sooo exited about it...wrinkles mean im aging!! What a gift to grow older! I cant wait to go through menopause!! hahaha <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> i will be kicking myself one day im sure for saying that! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
God Bless


New member
ystic Fibrosis and Menopause

i have no advice for you as far as hot flashes and night sweats go...but i have to say how encouraging it was to come across this thread! I am so glad you are getting to worry about menopause (NOT IN A MEAN WAY) Haha!! It is just such a blessing to make it to that point. I am 24 and i am starting to see small lines around my eyes..and i am sooo exited about it...wrinkles mean im aging!! What a gift to grow older! I cant wait to go through menopause!! hahaha <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> i will be kicking myself one day im sure for saying that! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
God Bless


New member
ystic Fibrosis and Menopause

i have no advice for you as far as hot flashes and night sweats go...but i have to say how encouraging it was to come across this thread! I am so glad you are getting to worry about menopause (NOT IN A MEAN WAY) Haha!! It is just such a blessing to make it to that point. I am 24 and i am starting to see small lines around my eyes..and i am sooo exited about it...wrinkles mean im aging!! What a gift to grow older! I cant wait to go through menopause!! hahaha <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> i will be kicking myself one day im sure for saying that! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />God Bless
<br />Mallory


I'm 48 and have gone through this - or still am I guess. I had a hysterectomy when I was 35 so it was sort of forced on me earlier. I do take HRT and I have had no problems with it. You just have to figure out which one will work for you. Also, you have to make sure that you get yearly mamograms. Life without hot flashes is SO much nicer.

Rosie 48 w/cf


I'm 48 and have gone through this - or still am I guess. I had a hysterectomy when I was 35 so it was sort of forced on me earlier. I do take HRT and I have had no problems with it. You just have to figure out which one will work for you. Also, you have to make sure that you get yearly mamograms. Life without hot flashes is SO much nicer.

Rosie 48 w/cf


I'm 48 and have gone through this - or still am I guess. I had a hysterectomy when I was 35 so it was sort of forced on me earlier. I do take HRT and I have had no problems with it. You just have to figure out which one will work for you. Also, you have to make sure that you get yearly mamograms. Life without hot flashes is SO much nicer.
<br />
<br />Rosie 48 w/cf


New member
My advice is celebrate those hotflashes. I am going to feel them, toss the sheets off, wear less, I don't care how hot I get. Im so happy to be going through menapause that I darn well going to experience it. Everytime I have a hot flash, whoo the back of my neck and forehead start dripping. I just start laughing. I don't mean to make lite of this matter but that has just been my choice.

I have pretty much swarn off herbs and quick fixes as things like echanacea can affect diabetes. Keeping it simple I take a cool pack to bed with me and put it at the back of my neck. By morning I wake up ready for another day, good or bad. I try to keep two on hand so there is always a cool pack available.

Good Luck with your journey.
JenWren 50 artist, photographer,CF diabetes,


New member
My advice is celebrate those hotflashes. I am going to feel them, toss the sheets off, wear less, I don't care how hot I get. Im so happy to be going through menapause that I darn well going to experience it. Everytime I have a hot flash, whoo the back of my neck and forehead start dripping. I just start laughing. I don't mean to make lite of this matter but that has just been my choice.

I have pretty much swarn off herbs and quick fixes as things like echanacea can affect diabetes. Keeping it simple I take a cool pack to bed with me and put it at the back of my neck. By morning I wake up ready for another day, good or bad. I try to keep two on hand so there is always a cool pack available.

Good Luck with your journey.
JenWren 50 artist, photographer,CF diabetes,


New member
My advice is celebrate those hotflashes. I am going to feel them, toss the sheets off, wear less, I don't care how hot I get. Im so happy to be going through menapause that I darn well going to experience it. Everytime I have a hot flash, whoo the back of my neck and forehead start dripping. I just start laughing. I don't mean to make lite of this matter but that has just been my choice.
<br />
<br />I have pretty much swarn off herbs and quick fixes as things like echanacea can affect diabetes. Keeping it simple I take a cool pack to bed with me and put it at the back of my neck. By morning I wake up ready for another day, good or bad. I try to keep two on hand so there is always a cool pack available.
<br />
<br />Good Luck with your journey.
<br />JenWren 50 artist, photographer,CF diabetes,


New member
I take Premarin 3.25....all hot flashes/night sweats stopped after 2nd day...there are cancer warnings about it, so it a personal choice. My CF doc said it won't affect CF. The only thing is, once you start on are on it the rest of your life or everything will come back. I had to do something as over the counter stuff wasn't working and the hot flashes were so bad, I felt like I was cooking my brain and thinking at work was almost impossible. Again, it is a personal choice. I have been on it for over 12 years.


New member
I take Premarin 3.25....all hot flashes/night sweats stopped after 2nd day...there are cancer warnings about it, so it a personal choice. My CF doc said it won't affect CF. The only thing is, once you start on are on it the rest of your life or everything will come back. I had to do something as over the counter stuff wasn't working and the hot flashes were so bad, I felt like I was cooking my brain and thinking at work was almost impossible. Again, it is a personal choice. I have been on it for over 12 years.