Cystic Fibrosis News - Week 35


Staff member
Cystic Fibrosis News - Week 35:

Also, some of our Facebook updates that got a lot of attention this week:
[read] - A BREAKTHROUGH INNOVATION just hit the market, which allows for the first time, to measure CF treatments in the lungs in "real-time".
[read] - A SIGNIFICANT BREAKTHROUGH has occurred from scientists studying pig tracheas that have been modified to mimic CF lungs.
[read] - A quick (easy to read) blurb on the recent drug combination therapies involving Kalydeco
[read] - A Beautiful story: "Sixty five Roses" is what some children with CF call their disease because the words are much easier for them to pronounce.

To get this news in your facebook or Twitter feeds please like our FB page or follow us on Twitter. You can also friend me on Facebook and connect with me on LinkedIn.

Feel free to leave comments and feedback below.

- Chris Baldwin