

New member is pround to annouce a complete re-design of the website. We hope that you find the new site more user friendly enjoyable! If you haven't seen the new design, please click <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">here</a>.


New member
I think the new site is great. I hope that you keep up the good work, and continue to give us updated and helpful information!!
I think this website is very useful with people with cystic fibrosis. It also nice because you can chat with people that know what you are going through. This is a very helpful website to me to . Keep up the good work staff.


New member
I think your new site is fantastic!! thanks for all your support in my troubling disease. It is such a struggle for me to live everyday of my life knowing i might not live the next, and with the loss of my parents 2 weeks ago my diesease has reached a peak. My hair is gone and my skin isnt reacting to the medicine the docter gave me but this site has helped me in way that you will never know. I appreciate you love and support. I will keep on fighting and i wont give in now thanks to you. Sincerely Matt Deeds (Lousiville Ky)


New member
my grandson has cf and not doing very well at this time. He needs other people to communicate with but they will have to initiate the conversations. He is 16. As all teenagers, he needs friends, girlfriends, talk about hot cars, girls and a little about his disease. I am a grandmother who is only used to researching the web for all new medicines and I have never chatted, but Charlotte does not have cf support group. He needs friends and I need parents, grandparents or who ever understands this heartbreak I endure each day. Where do I find these people???? Suzanne email address Help me please.


New member
christina your the bestest sister on earth<img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
This is to the grandmother with the grandson who has CF....I read your cries of help. My heart goes out to you and your grandson. I have a nephew with CF, he's 6 years old and is doing great<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I still remember when I found out he had CF, it was heart-breaking. For a while after that I wanted God to give his CF to me, after all he was only 6 months old. Now he's doing great with my sister's hard work and making sure he does the things he needs to do everyday....therapy, etc... What I am trying to say is that it doesn't have to be a negative thing. God gave my nephew and your grandson something unique. If we look at ourselves, we all have something unique about us (ie. I have asthma and I just found out I am a CF carrrier). The best thing is to keep you and your grandson educated about the things he needs to do to keep himself healthy. Also stay positive and love every moment. Take care of your grandson.


New member
What is Cystic Fibrosis? Well, lets see, where do I start? How about this; much online information and books you read are accurate, but, what better is that of a true person living with CF.For starters, let me say that as with anything, common sense is necessary. I live a pretty much full life. I am a full-time college student, part-time employee. CF is a genetic disease (the gene must be inheirited from both parents in order to have the disease) which causes the mucus in a person w/ CF to be much thicker than one w/o it making it harder to chunk up. It is necessary to take an inhaled medicine which dilates the bronc tubes to make them wider to allow the mucus more space to come up since they are lined with it.When eating, I take enzymes to help digest the food. The pancrease is usually clogged w/ mucus as well which limits its ability to produce the stuff necessary to break down food, so you have to help that food out.CF individuals may at times have to be hospitalized for lung infections caused by the build up of mucus, which is common. Although if caught early enough, they can usually be treated with oral and inhaled antibiotics.That's CF in a nutshell. Anything else, don't hesitate to ask.Exercise is crucial to the health of CF folks.


New member
hi my name is brandon i am 19 going on 20 next year in 2005 i also have cf and it doesn't bother me at because i have a friend in cleveland that has it to and i know were ever we go we will always be best friend in till we die and i had a mom that pass way about 5 years ago