I have 2 kids, so I spend a LOT of my time driving, doing small volunteer projects for their school, tons of laundry and cooking. Dont do so much cleaning because its getting a bit hard and I stay away from chemicals. For fun I have a garden, play croquet and mini golf, take walks with my husband, go to movies, play TONS of board games, card games, etc with my kiddos, time with extended family, watch my kids do gymnastics, swimming, lite tennis, go out to dinner. I also read a lot, write poetry, working on a book, talk to prospective parents about adoption. I try to get in feel good stuff too- shopping for baby clothes for a teacher whose expecting, making a lasagna for a sick friend, stuff like that. Most of the stuff I do is self-scheduled, which is SUPER important to me because if I'm having a bad day and just need to chill and sleep, I can. Most stuff really can wait (OK, maybe not grocery shopping for TP!). But I am very very blessed with helpful kids and a super awesome husband who take up the slack when I cant. I used to exercise every day, but the Orkambi just killed that, and since I stopped taking the drug, I've had pleuritis and lots of back pain, so regimented exercise is out until that shapes up.