I agree with comments above that you need to be seeing a CF GI doctor. They are the best at diagnosing and treating any type of GI issues. My daughter is 24 and has been dealing with the same problems for most of her life. The problem did start to become worse once she was in college and still to this day is fine in the morning and can be in complete pain by dinner time with a huge distended stomach. She has been hospitalized this past year about 4 times - the first time she was in for 2 weeks doing a complete clean out - (ng tube filling her up with golytely - 38 litres - a new hospital record) and she did not get completely clean. She takes golytely every day once in the morning and once at night along with mineral oil at night as well. She also takes a pill (sorry can't remember the name -that helps with emptying her stomach a little quicker). She was originally diagnosed with DIOS which is common in CF but we now know that along with DIOSshe alsohas intususeption (very rare in anyone over 2 years old and present in only about 1% of CF'rs.) This has truly been a very tough year as the pain associated with this is severe and require morphine once it starts. It can only be diagnosed by ultra sound while the attack is occuring so it can be very difficult to recognize. We are trying to figure out a way to control it and are doing several things including changing her diet to try and find out which foods may trigger an attack. We are also seeing a natureopath totry and get an outside opinion and some advice on diet. It's nice to finally know what the problem is but because there are so few people that have this problem we are practising trial and error to try and control it. Even our CF GI Doc. is at a bit of a loss as this is really unusual in adults. Courtneydid have meconium illies as a baby and we're pretty surethis also plays a big part in the problem. Anyone else have any other suggestions...we are completely open to trying just about anything.