It is true that dairy does not (or if so, rarely) cause increased mucus, BUT it does cause a slimy coating in the throat and mouth that can cause the body to FEEL congested and feel as though there is a need to cough, but that the cough is not accomplishing what it should. This is what most people interpret as increased mucus. There are a few things to consider.1) If you are taking in lots of calcium to boost your body's levels, make sure that you have plenty of vitamin D (which helps the body absorb the calcium), but that you are not taking artificial forms of iron with it (which prevents the absobtion of iron). One of the best ways to prevent bone deterioration is with exercise and, if you are a woman, breastfeeding (ironically enough, it causes your body to remineralize your bones so that they end up as strong, but often stronger than before your nursed a child).2) Consider that there are NON-DAIRY forms of calcium as well, such as dark, leafy greens. The interesting thing here is that with dark, leafy greens you get calcium AND iron, but they do not cancel each other out. 3) NON-BOVINE forms of dairy are more suited to human ingestion, especially goat's milk - which is an aqcuired taste, but can be worth it for your health4) Taking the apropriate number of enzymes with the ingestion of dairy will ensure that all the available nutrients are absorbed5) The inclusion of cultured/fermented foods which raise the body's reserve of enzymes (not just pancreatic for which we have artificial substitutes) and aid in the breakdown of foods that do not contain their own enzymes.A great book on diet and foods with the focus on raw eating and maximizing your intake of healthy nutrients in a bio-available form is "Rejuvenate Your Life" by Serene Allison (check <A href=""></A> under books and tapes in the list at left). Also check out Reliv (<A href=""></A>) nutritional supplements. I have had wonderful success in my health (with a special consideration for calcium) since I began taking Reliv regularly (my story can be read at <A href=""></A>)