Emily always,, always always has dark circles under her eyes as well as a bruise-like looking mark at the top of her nose/corner of her eye that has been there since birth. I never really thought much of either until i noticed that people kept commenting on both things. Several people have asked recently wether she fell and hit her eye. The nurse at the ped.'s office commented that this particular visit was the first time she had seen Emily without "sick eyes." (I guess the black circles were gone...and I know she didn't mean to be hurtful, but I was really hurt by her comment for some reason...). A neighbor, upon learning that Emily had a sinus infection said, "I thought so, see how black and blue she is around here, that's what happens to my son when he gets a sinus infection..." Anyway, tonight as I held her during pt, I looked down and thought, "wow, she has really, really dark circles under her eyes." Just wondering if anyone else has this, and if it comes and goes. Does it indicate anything? Should I worry? (Yeah, like I'm not worrying already!)
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!