Daughter has cultured Staph. A


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Can stap a be a precursor for pseudomonas? I've read two articles that lead me to believe in cf it can be a precursor to pseudomonas. Any thoughts?


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Our daughter used to culture staph all the time
No medication seemed to really do much for it

At 5 we ended up with a culture of mucoid pseudomonas which we have been unable to eradicate
I have heard the same as you but cannot confirm this
What i do know is while they are culturing staph which practically everyone does at some stage or another
Staph is all around us It is in our noses most of the time be happy as it is not a really "bad" bug to be culturing

Problem is as the disease progresses pseudomonas is not the worst of what is out there

Once certain bugs take over they seem to eradicate less evil bugs

This is my opinion only

Luv Deb

Mum to Jalan born Oct 2005 with CF


Honestly, CF is a precursor to culturing pseudo. . . something like 80% of all patients with CF will culture pseudo by age 18.

There is some research that says culturing staph keeps the pseudo at bay. Others say it can cause damage just like the pseudo. My daughter has cultured staph since 6 months of age. Its very typical in younger CF patients. At 6 years old, my daughter has not cultured pseudo yet.


New member
My son has cultured staph since he was 3wks old. It's his "baseline" culture and we don't treat it. He has not cultured anything new and is now 19 months. Really, staph is quite a common culture like Deb said above. It's all around us and grows on our skin even. Not much we can do to keep staph at bay. Like Heather said though, CF is a precursor to culturing PA among other nasty bugs.


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DD has cultured Staph A. since diagnosis....at two weeks old....we've never treated. It's debatable whether or not it keeps PA at bay - her CF doctor said that information is floating around based upon one small study from the early 90s. At any rate, we don't treat it....


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Good to know its something that doesn't need treatment and not really anything to worry about. Is staph typical for everyone or just cf?


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Both of my girls culture staph although one we know does not have CF. I am also curious how common staph is in the general population. I wonder if it is common with my chronic lung diseases or just more common with CF. We were also told not to treat the staph.


My daughter seems to always culture staph. I don't know that it is a precursor to pseudomonas, but my daughter did have pseudomonas for about 6 months, we couldn't get rid of it until she had a tune up. She is a bit different though as she is a late diagnosis (right before she turned 10) and so I have no idea if she had pseudomonas in the past. When she was diagnosed she cultured MRSA, and I would be more concerned that staph could lead to MRSA not sure if that is the case either, but seems more likely as MRSA is a staph bacteria that is resistant to drugs usually used to treat staph....


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My daughter cultures it off and on, and knock on wood, she hasn't had PA since she was first diagnosed at age 2.


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My dd cultured staph until recently (oct 2011). We only treated it if there were symptoms or white blood cells in her cultures indicating infection, in which case it could cause damage as any other bug.


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I'm pretty sure that the normal population does not culture Staph, because, if I culture Staph, my culture results read "Staph." But if I don't culture it (or PA), my culture results read "Normal Respiratory Flora."