Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers


New member
Just wanted to add that we have no family history either. My husband and I did not find out we were even carriers until my last preganacy (not because of a routine test, but because our son was showing symptoms on ultrasound).


New member
I'd like to thank all of you for responding.

I wasn't actually questioning the history, you see, my daughter's mother-in-law, told my daughter that there was no way, <b>"HER SON," </b>could be a carrier because "HER" family has never been diagnosed with CF or as CF carriers. We know that both my daughter and son-in-law are carriers and I was wanting information to pass along to the mother-in-law so she can stop making my daughter feel bad about the CF.

Father's family is, I don't know, how you would say ignorant regarding this diagnosis. By no means do I know everything, but I am taking steps to come to a better understanding regarding CF and passing that information onto my daughter so that she is better versed in understanding CF all the way around.

The OB/GYN has scheduled my daughter for genetic counseling at the end of this month, so we will be gathering more information as we go through this next pregnancy and for the future.

I am really glad I found this site and appreciate all of you for sharing information with me.



New member
I'd like to thank all of you for responding.

I wasn't actually questioning the history, you see, my daughter's mother-in-law, told my daughter that there was no way, <b>"HER SON," </b>could be a carrier because "HER" family has never been diagnosed with CF or as CF carriers. We know that both my daughter and son-in-law are carriers and I was wanting information to pass along to the mother-in-law so she can stop making my daughter feel bad about the CF.

Father's family is, I don't know, how you would say ignorant regarding this diagnosis. By no means do I know everything, but I am taking steps to come to a better understanding regarding CF and passing that information onto my daughter so that she is better versed in understanding CF all the way around.

The OB/GYN has scheduled my daughter for genetic counseling at the end of this month, so we will be gathering more information as we go through this next pregnancy and for the future.

I am really glad I found this site and appreciate all of you for sharing information with me.



New member
I'd like to thank all of you for responding.

I wasn't actually questioning the history, you see, my daughter's mother-in-law, told my daughter that there was no way, <b>"HER SON," </b>could be a carrier because "HER" family has never been diagnosed with CF or as CF carriers. We know that both my daughter and son-in-law are carriers and I was wanting information to pass along to the mother-in-law so she can stop making my daughter feel bad about the CF.

Father's family is, I don't know, how you would say ignorant regarding this diagnosis. By no means do I know everything, but I am taking steps to come to a better understanding regarding CF and passing that information onto my daughter so that she is better versed in understanding CF all the way around.

The OB/GYN has scheduled my daughter for genetic counseling at the end of this month, so we will be gathering more information as we go through this next pregnancy and for the future.

I am really glad I found this site and appreciate all of you for sharing information with me.



New member
That is really sad that a person can be so ignorant about things. How frustrating, insensitive and insulting that statement must be for your family !

Perhaps your daughter can ask the genetic councilor for a pamphlet of information that would show that, yes indeed the carrier's must be on their side of the family as well and that<b> her son </b>is in fact a carrier -

Best wishes... with in-laws like that, it's bound to be a bumpy ride :)


New member
That is really sad that a person can be so ignorant about things. How frustrating, insensitive and insulting that statement must be for your family !

Perhaps your daughter can ask the genetic councilor for a pamphlet of information that would show that, yes indeed the carrier's must be on their side of the family as well and that<b> her son </b>is in fact a carrier -

Best wishes... with in-laws like that, it's bound to be a bumpy ride :)


New member
That is really sad that a person can be so ignorant about things. How frustrating, insensitive and insulting that statement must be for your family !

Perhaps your daughter can ask the genetic councilor for a pamphlet of information that would show that, yes indeed the carrier's must be on their side of the family as well and that<b> her son </b>is in fact a carrier -

Best wishes... with in-laws like that, it's bound to be a bumpy ride :)


New member

Yeah, I thought the same thing the mother-in-law, but I just didn't know how to say it without seeming nasty. I don't know, maybe some people just don't like to face hard facts and truths, but thank you for your response.

I've got questions, lists of symptoms, etc., for my daughter to take to the genetic councelor and I am hoping a lot of what we are experiencing is answered.

I've told my daughter she's got to be strong when she hears such ignorance, but then again, I get so angry.


New member

Yeah, I thought the same thing the mother-in-law, but I just didn't know how to say it without seeming nasty. I don't know, maybe some people just don't like to face hard facts and truths, but thank you for your response.

I've got questions, lists of symptoms, etc., for my daughter to take to the genetic councelor and I am hoping a lot of what we are experiencing is answered.

I've told my daughter she's got to be strong when she hears such ignorance, but then again, I get so angry.


New member

Yeah, I thought the same thing the mother-in-law, but I just didn't know how to say it without seeming nasty. I don't know, maybe some people just don't like to face hard facts and truths, but thank you for your response.

I've got questions, lists of symptoms, etc., for my daughter to take to the genetic councelor and I am hoping a lot of what we are experiencing is answered.

I've told my daughter she's got to be strong when she hears such ignorance, but then again, I get so angry.


New member
My husbands aunt told my MIL the same thing. "No way it came from their side of the family, so she (my MIL) must be the carrier that passed it to my husband."


New member
My husbands aunt told my MIL the same thing. "No way it came from their side of the family, so she (my MIL) must be the carrier that passed it to my husband."


New member
My husbands aunt told my MIL the same thing. "No way it came from their side of the family, so she (my MIL) must be the carrier that passed it to my husband."


I've decided that when family is in denial, they'll do whatever they can to make themselves feel better about the situation. I think all of us have had family who don't understand how CF works.


I've decided that when family is in denial, they'll do whatever they can to make themselves feel better about the situation. I think all of us have had family who don't understand how CF works.


I've decided that when family is in denial, they'll do whatever they can to make themselves feel better about the situation. I think all of us have had family who don't understand how CF works.


New member
I just had to chime in and comment on the MIL part!
When my son, now 17months, was diagnosed 10 months ago, obviously both myself and my husband are carriers. There was no knowledge of cf or cf carrier status on either side. However, my MIL's comment when she found out was that the gene absolutely NEVER came from her.....it must have been from my husband's father. (Who has passed away and was not part of their lives for 30 years). She said she KNOWS it is NOT from her! How can someone possibly know that? I was so irritated by that, plus she put "blame" on her ex for passing this on! Well..that just also means that WE as his parents are to blame! Not so, we had no idea! Anyhow, the dna has revealed one common mutation and one undetected. (In the works to find out which one) we were carrier tested, and I have the common (df508) mutation, and husband's is undetected. Anyhow, MIL had carrier testing done and of course it was negative, as even if it IS from her, it would not have been picked up on the basic panel, as the mutation from my husband's side is NOT found on the basic panel. She needs to retest when we know what one to look for. However, she doesn't understand that! Denial! She just says her carrier panel is negative and that's that! So frustrating! She doesn't care to learn about CF. I am sure it is denial! Just so frustrating! It is NOBODY'S fault!

Ugh! Sorry, that turned into my own little vent, LOL!



New member
I just had to chime in and comment on the MIL part!
When my son, now 17months, was diagnosed 10 months ago, obviously both myself and my husband are carriers. There was no knowledge of cf or cf carrier status on either side. However, my MIL's comment when she found out was that the gene absolutely NEVER came from her.....it must have been from my husband's father. (Who has passed away and was not part of their lives for 30 years). She said she KNOWS it is NOT from her! How can someone possibly know that? I was so irritated by that, plus she put "blame" on her ex for passing this on! Well..that just also means that WE as his parents are to blame! Not so, we had no idea! Anyhow, the dna has revealed one common mutation and one undetected. (In the works to find out which one) we were carrier tested, and I have the common (df508) mutation, and husband's is undetected. Anyhow, MIL had carrier testing done and of course it was negative, as even if it IS from her, it would not have been picked up on the basic panel, as the mutation from my husband's side is NOT found on the basic panel. She needs to retest when we know what one to look for. However, she doesn't understand that! Denial! She just says her carrier panel is negative and that's that! So frustrating! She doesn't care to learn about CF. I am sure it is denial! Just so frustrating! It is NOBODY'S fault!

Ugh! Sorry, that turned into my own little vent, LOL!



New member
I just had to chime in and comment on the MIL part!
When my son, now 17months, was diagnosed 10 months ago, obviously both myself and my husband are carriers. There was no knowledge of cf or cf carrier status on either side. However, my MIL's comment when she found out was that the gene absolutely NEVER came from her.....it must have been from my husband's father. (Who has passed away and was not part of their lives for 30 years). She said she KNOWS it is NOT from her! How can someone possibly know that? I was so irritated by that, plus she put "blame" on her ex for passing this on! Well..that just also means that WE as his parents are to blame! Not so, we had no idea! Anyhow, the dna has revealed one common mutation and one undetected. (In the works to find out which one) we were carrier tested, and I have the common (df508) mutation, and husband's is undetected. Anyhow, MIL had carrier testing done and of course it was negative, as even if it IS from her, it would not have been picked up on the basic panel, as the mutation from my husband's side is NOT found on the basic panel. She needs to retest when we know what one to look for. However, she doesn't understand that! Denial! She just says her carrier panel is negative and that's that! So frustrating! She doesn't care to learn about CF. I am sure it is denial! Just so frustrating! It is NOBODY'S fault!

Ugh! Sorry, that turned into my own little vent, LOL!



New member

That's exactly how I felt. All your frustration and venting is what I wanted to do, just didn't know how express it without seeming like a b-t-h!

Anyway, my daughter has to have more bloodwork done to evaluate what mutation she has as compared to her husband.

My mother is so concerned by all this and has gone so far to have in depth testing done, on herself, to see if she has any type of mutation of CF.

I guess it's all in the perspective of the person and how they were raised/loved as children. We have a lot of compassion and love in my family and I don't believe that the MIL did and if she did it was nothing how I was raised and how I've raised my children.