David Harvey


New member
Hello all.

I know David Harvey was very active on this forum. Today I have the horrible job of letting you all know that he passed away this Wednesday, March 30th at 8:10 am. He had just turned 23.

He never saw this coming, even though he was very sick. The past few days he had been making gradual progress towards getting well. The doctor pulled us aside and told us without him knowing, so he was still planning all the things he'd do when he'd get better to the end. His dad, step-mom, and my mom were all there for his last minutes, and I was in bed with him holding him while he slipped away.

He was the love of my life and he touched and changed everyone he met. I cannot believe he is gone.

Thank you for anyone who made an impact on his life.

His alias on this site was flyfree.



New member
Hello all.

I know David Harvey was very active on this forum. Today I have the horrible job of letting you all know that he passed away this Wednesday, March 30th at 8:10 am. He had just turned 23.

He never saw this coming, even though he was very sick. The past few days he had been making gradual progress towards getting well. The doctor pulled us aside and told us without him knowing, so he was still planning all the things he'd do when he'd get better to the end. His dad, step-mom, and my mom were all there for his last minutes, and I was in bed with him holding him while he slipped away.

He was the love of my life and he touched and changed everyone he met. I cannot believe he is gone.

Thank you for anyone who made an impact on his life.

His alias on this site was flyfree.



New member
Hello all.
<br />
<br />I know David Harvey was very active on this forum. Today I have the horrible job of letting you all know that he passed away this Wednesday, March 30th at 8:10 am. He had just turned 23.
<br />
<br />He never saw this coming, even though he was very sick. The past few days he had been making gradual progress towards getting well. The doctor pulled us aside and told us without him knowing, so he was still planning all the things he'd do when he'd get better to the end. His dad, step-mom, and my mom were all there for his last minutes, and I was in bed with him holding him while he slipped away.
<br />
<br />He was the love of my life and he touched and changed everyone he met. I cannot believe he is gone.
<br />
<br />Thank you for anyone who made an impact on his life.
<br />
<br />His alias on this site was flyfree.
<br />
<br />-Sarah