We have just received the results of a faecal elastase test for our LPWCF. The result has come back as 390 which apparently is smack bang in the middle of the normal range regardless of CF. We are amazed as our daughter is homozygous D508 which seems to be pretty much always associated with Pancreatic Insufficiency. The result however does tally with her lack of GI problems and excellent weight gain. Has anyone come across this before? Is this a false dawn our can we finally count this as good news in what has been a dreadful 3 months since Charloote was diagnosed via new born screening? Any advice or opinion you can offer on this would be greatfully appreciated!
We have just received the results of a faecal elastase test for our LPWCF. The result has come back as 390 which apparently is smack bang in the middle of the normal range regardless of CF. We are amazed as our daughter is homozygous D508 which seems to be pretty much always associated with Pancreatic Insufficiency. The result however does tally with her lack of GI problems and excellent weight gain. Has anyone come across this before? Is this a false dawn our can we finally count this as good news in what has been a dreadful 3 months since Charloote was diagnosed via new born screening? Any advice or opinion you can offer on this would be greatfully appreciated!