Dealing with dumb people that think CF is contagious


New member
I have had a lot of problems with my stepson and his daughter (she's 3) for a while . The stepson lives here and he gets her 2weeks at a time and every time he gets her she is either sick when she gets here or gets sick while she's here. I caught something from her right after memorial day. And it was rough. This time she had RSV. And I was told it was allergies for the 2nd time in a year until she got worse. And the mom took her to the doc and found out about the RSV. And then the mother-in-law accuses me  of giving RSV to the little girl and wouldn't listen to me when I told her what I had wasn't contagious.<br>


New member
I have had a lot of problems with my stepson and his daughter (she's 3) for a while . The stepson lives here and he gets her 2weeks at a time and every time he gets her she is either sick when she gets here or gets sick while she's here. I caught something from her right after memorial day. And it was rough. This time she had RSV. And I was told it was allergies for the 2nd time in a year until she got worse. And the mom took her to the doc and found out about the RSV. And then the mother-in-law accuses me of giving RSV to the little girl and wouldn't listen to me when I told her what I had wasn't contagious.<br>


New member
I have had a lot of problems with my stepson and his daughter (she's 3) for a while . The stepson lives here and he gets her 2weeks at a time and every time he gets her she is either sick when she gets here or gets sick while she's here. I caught something from her right after memorial day. And it was rough. This time she had RSV. And I was told it was allergies for the 2nd time in a year until she got worse. And the mom took her to the doc and found out about the RSV. And then the mother-in-law accuses me of giving RSV to the little girl and wouldn't listen to me when I told her what I had wasn't contagious.<br>


New member
You cant fix stupid Regina. I'm sure this more of a case of willful ignorance. People get wierd when children are involved and there are plenty of moms (and mother-in-laws) that have a knack for blind idiocy. All you can do is tell them the truth.

It is beyond your power to convince them of anything. You cant force them to educate their ignorant ways. Just try to push it off your shoulder and dont let it upset you. Chances are thats their goal all along.

In your case its a little closer to home. Stay strong and hopefully once they calm dont and regain a clear head they will listen to you.


New member
You cant fix stupid Regina. I'm sure this more of a case of willful ignorance. People get wierd when children are involved and there are plenty of moms (and mother-in-laws) that have a knack for blind idiocy. All you can do is tell them the truth.

It is beyond your power to convince them of anything. You cant force them to educate their ignorant ways. Just try to push it off your shoulder and dont let it upset you. Chances are thats their goal all along.

In your case its a little closer to home. Stay strong and hopefully once they calm dont and regain a clear head they will listen to you.


New member
You cant fix stupid Regina. I'm sure this more of a case of willful ignorance. People get wierd when children are involved and there are plenty of moms (and mother-in-laws) that have a knack for blind idiocy. All you can do is tell them the truth.
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<br />It is beyond your power to convince them of anything. You cant force them to educate their ignorant ways. Just try to push it off your shoulder and dont let it upset you. Chances are thats their goal all along.
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<br />In your case its a little closer to home. Stay strong and hopefully once they calm dont and regain a clear head they will listen to you.


New member
Yeah I think she knows it isn't contagious she was just trying to be mean . The stepson is the one who told her all this stuff anyway because she usually doesn't have that much to do with us . But he knew he would get sympathy from her . His dad told him if he didn't stop lying to me he would have to move out so that's why its like it is. Thank god I had the good sense to leave as soon as I seen she had a runny nose. That's probably the only reason I didn't catch it. If he continues to do this I will just have to leave every time she comes. My husband is a truck driver anyway so he is always on the road


New member
Yeah I think she knows it isn't contagious she was just trying to be mean . The stepson is the one who told her all this stuff anyway because she usually doesn't have that much to do with us . But he knew he would get sympathy from her . His dad told him if he didn't stop lying to me he would have to move out so that's why its like it is. Thank god I had the good sense to leave as soon as I seen she had a runny nose. That's probably the only reason I didn't catch it. If he continues to do this I will just have to leave every time she comes. My husband is a truck driver anyway so he is always on the road


New member
Yeah I think she knows it isn't contagious she was just trying to be mean . The stepson is the one who told her all this stuff anyway because she usually doesn't have that much to do with us . But he knew he would get sympathy from her . His dad told him if he didn't stop lying to me he would have to move out so that's why its like it is. Thank god I had the good sense to leave as soon as I seen she had a runny nose. That's probably the only reason I didn't catch it. If he continues to do this I will just have to leave every time she comes. My husband is a truck driver anyway so he is always on the road
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