We were in the same boat after our daughter was diagnosed...I wanted another baby and he didn't. We talked about it a lot but I always knew he would never change his mind. Some of the things we talked about were: how lucky we were that we had one child when some people can't have any, up until now she has not had any respiratory issues and the digestive issues are under control for the moment, if we had another there may be some resentment that she needs extra care (especially if she was ever hospitalized), another child could have a more severe case than our first, and the time spent doing their treatments would take away from time we had to care for our 1st child.On the other hand I always wanted her to have a sibling and, cf or not, it would be a good support system for her. In the end we decided not to have another for a few reasons, the main one being that my husband didn't want to take the chance, and it takes two people to parent. The other main factor in my decision making was when a friend of mine called to say that her daughter was born, and has CF. It brought me back to the moment my own daughter was diagnosed and I knew I couldn't do it again, and that it wasn't the best decision for our family.It was the best decision for my friends family and she is happy with her 2 kids (both CF). You need to decide what is best for your family and your marriage, because you are the ones that live it every day and nobody can make that decision for you (both of you).Good luck with your decision, I know it is a hard one.