Deceiving appearances


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>See I know we all tend to be shorter and smaller than people our age, but I've noticed a lot of CFers get mistaken for people quite a bit younger. I'm figuring it's also in the facial features, but I don't know how that could be connected. I know I have kind of a childlike face.<hr></blockquote>

Interesting...I wonder if the degree of mistaken age is positively correlated with the severity of the disease? If so, I would say there is a pretty strong association. As I have already stated, my condition is fairly mild, and most people peg me for a high school student, which I am.

If this is related to CF, than perhaps there is some silver lining in the dark cloud...I for one would find it a gift to appear younger than my real age, as aesthetics do not tend to favor the old and decrepit.

-Zachary D.


New member
This is true, but as others have said... Every year I grow older I'm thinking ROCK ON ME! If I get wrinkles I'll be proud of them for having gotten that far.


New member
My height is not the problem, (6'1) and my weight 140 isn't noticed if I wear a hoodie and jeans, but my face makes me look young. I am 24 and I have people card me, I get pulled over when driving, and it gets old. When I was a teenager I worked at a fast food restuarant and would always hear people say, "Look at that little boy working."
I hated that.


New member
I would say my height isn't a problem either I am 5'7 and I am 115 lbs. But I have a very young face as well. I've been guessed that I was 11!


New member
I as well have it very mild and I don't think that I have a height problem(5'5) and i know i definitely don't have a weight problem(155) so i dont get mistaken by too much on my age. i am 20 going to turn 21 this year and the youngest i get is 17.


New member
Youngest I get now is around 16. But once when I was 18, a store clerk in Filene's guessed me at age 11. She nearly passed out when we (my mother and I) told her I was 18, almost 19. Haaaaah.


New member
I don't seem to have the problem of looking younger.. actually since i was about 15 i always got told i looked older.. most recently i was told that i looked like i'm 30... I'm only 20 turning 21 in may. I'm 5'5 and weigh 120lbs.

Ashley 20 w/cf


New member
I have always been told I look young, but my entire family is short (my dad is 5'5"!)
I also dont have any problems with wweight or growth, i dont take enzymes
But I am small, but so is everyone else in my family as I said. I also have an aunt who is 4'10"!!!! I am 21 but get told I look about 18. Some obviously delusional people say I look 13 or 14 but I know that is absurd -- I think it is part of thier mid-life crisis or something.



New member
Well, I believe that I look younger because of my healthy beautiful skin and my toned body... but you can say it is because of the cf if you want!!!!!!!!


New member
I've always thought I'm really skinny but actually I've recently realised that its not so much being skinny as having a child like body. I dont have like big arms like most people do but rather while I weigh 100lbs I have skinny arms like a 12 year old! I always am asked for id!
Rosie 17w/cf<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">