

New member
im contantly depressed and no matter what i try to do to kick myself out of it it continues to come back. I am taking depression pills which obviously do nothing. Would spending time in the hospital be any use? Every few months i go through a suicide phase and i just dont know if i should live or not anymore. I talk to psychologits, psychiatrists, doctors, my counsilor in school and no one or anything seems to help. I am in a horrible position.
Any suggestions?
Ashley 20 w/ cf


New member
Ashley, I am sorry you are having a tough time. I am a 33/m and deal with depression on occasion too, more though as my PFTs drop. It is tough to see and accept the process when you are knee deep in it. The first thing to ask yourself is what are you depressed about? Obviously CF is a huge factor but what is making things worse? Are you going through a CF exacerbation? Work? Money? Romance? Apathy? Once you can better understand the source (beyond the CF) maybe you can seek more specific support as a remedy. If it is just the CF itself you are depressed about, that is tougher to solve. My doctors tried to put me on depression pills, which ticked me off. I was depressed about work and money and I told them no pill could bring me money or employ me, and walking through life sedated wasn’t going to help. I think a clear mind helps me solve my problems and better manage the question of my existence. I think not fighting the depression sometimes helps. That is, if you have to feel sad some days feel sad. Get it out of your system! Have your sad party, or as my departed psychologist use to say "Have your pity party, and then get on with life!" Tough words sometimes, but it helped me on occasion. I know that when my wife won't let me feel sad that just makes the depression worse, cause it is then coupled with anger from not being able to exploit my entitled feelings of doubt or fear.

You may hear this a lot, perhaps not. But, the world offers a bounty of wonderful experiences. Some of these experiences require a healthy body; other experiences only require the willingness to simply be. It doesn't matter if you are 20 years of age, 33, or 60, or even 90. Each moment has the potential to be not only worth while, but glorious. The work of it all is that you must try; you must participate at some level to fill that moment, each moment with something better. For me I hate defeat. I am not going to let my CF win, and by winning I mean take the joy of life from me.

I don't hate my CF, at least not all together. It has given me amazing eyes through which to see the world. The emotional colors that exist in my perceivable spectrum as a result of my CF are so rich and dynamic. This is a gift, and I feel I must use it while I have it. And if I am lucky I will work to share my gift with others.

Hope isn't always easy to come by. I am not sure if I have given you even a fraction of hope that you can survive and triumph over this depression. But my thoughts and prayers are with you. Be strong. Best of luck.


New member
About 4 years ago, I went through a horrible bout of depression that culminated in a suicide attempt and hospitalization. I can't say for sure what made it come to an end, but things have been much better since. What medicine are you on? I found Paxil the best for me. I would be very happy to talk to you more about my experience or just listen if you want to talk. So, e mail me at mar_md@yahoo or aim me, my sn is serendipity730.


New member
ashley i am goin through that phase at the moment as well it aint easy but i think about all the people i would leave behind if i did that and that helps me through . take care and a big hug from JO 20 w /cf


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ashely if u want to tslk my email address is <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I have gone through bad depression before. I heard that people with cf have bad depression.I think maybe they need to try a different medicine on you and find something that will help your depression. I take wellbutrin and it seems to help. But im not on it all the time. I only take it when im depressed. And that is hardly ever now. I have a real good boyfriend in my life and he keeps me very happy. If you ever want to talk to me you can. Feel free to instant message me or email me at . Good Luck! I hope you find something to help you from being so depressed.
i think its a pretty normal thing...ive had only 14 almost 15 and i used to be bad...wanting to kill myself every day...i used to cut...and then i started smoking...and im guessing you obviously know how bad that is for us...well thats how badly i started not to care...-sigh-


New member
I'm going through it now and its getting worser. I get frustrated when I wake up facing another pathetic day. I havent tried suicide yet but its in my mind all the time.


New member
I have to say to anyone who is contemplating suicide: GET HELP. I've been there, I sunk lower and lower into depression and was too scared to seek counseling, until finally a failed suicide attempt forced me to get the help I needed. And I am SO thankful that I didn't manage to kill myself, because I would have missed SO many wonderful things in my life!!!

If you get to the point where you might really hurt yourself, PLEASE get yourself to a hospital so they can keep you safe and try to get things under control. If you don't think you need the hospital, PLEASE find yourself a therapist who works for YOU. I know it's annoying to switch therapists, but different people need different things so just because one therapist doesn't work for you does not mean it's a lost cause! You just need to find the right person for YOU, and keep working with them on a regular basis. Same goes with meds -- they can take a while to work, and different things work for different people, so if one doesn't work let your doctor know and try something else!

I cannot stress enough the importance of getting the help you need before it's too late! No matter how hopeless things look now it can get better I promise! When I was in the depths of depression and suicidal thoughts I could not imagine anything beyond the pain I felt -- a few years and a lot of help later, I can tell you things are so much better and I am so thankful I was able to get the help I needed before I destroyed myself.

Feel free to email or IM me at about anything.

PLEASE don't play around with suicidal thoughts and depression, please seek professional help!


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AIM<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">ha53213
Yahoo<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">k_play
MSN<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

SMILE because the world needs it.........


New member
those smiles were d's lol so ...

Dha53213 for AIM
dk_play for yahoo... ECT.


New member
I'm the originator of this post, but I have to say that it has made me feel better about when I feel depressed, knowing that other CFers go through it. I really think this is an issue among CFers that doesn't get addressed properly, and it makes me angry. I know my teens were particularly rough as far as depression is concerned. I am sure others had similar experiences.