

New member
Also, my concern in your post was that your doctor thought you were a bit down.... What do you think? Everyone gets sad/depressed once in a while, especially with this disease. It is a lot different however from that weighty horrrible feeling of true depression, which might need to be medicated. If you are just a little down about your legitimately depressing issues, then talkiing to someone is probably a good idea. It is probably a good idea anyway.



New member
Also, my concern in your post was that your doctor thought you were a bit down.... What do you think? Everyone gets sad/depressed once in a while, especially with this disease. It is a lot different however from that weighty horrrible feeling of true depression, which might need to be medicated. If you are just a little down about your legitimately depressing issues, then talkiing to someone is probably a good idea. It is probably a good idea anyway.



New member
If I may make another suggestion, because I was thinking about this alot yesterday after my prior post. But I have done a lot of study into this. And Christian is right saying there are certain cases where pills are necessary, extreme bipolar, suicidal, etc. But through many different things I have done in this subject, schooling (psych), trial and error (on and off meds) more research, I have another suggestion i forgot to add. DIET, can play a majour role in brain chem and emotion. Example, I have a serious low tolerance to caffeine. By drinking on Timmies coffee, my ears would ring and id get massively hyper. But the caffeine crash sometimes would be unbearable, would send me into anxiety and panic attacks sometimes. Not getting proper nutrition ( and I know this is hard with cf, but trying the best you can) can play a majour role in how you feel. If you lack something you may feel tired, which in turn can make you feel crumby or intolerable. I know that things I had in my diet, too much caffeine, too much sugar etc., played a majour role in crashes, heres a big one NOT ENOUGH WATER can make you dehydrated and very crappy. I had to adjust my diet majourly, and it has also help ALOT! I hate water, but i force myself to drink at least 3 bottles a day. Cut caffeine, cause its an upper with majour crashes. Watch short sugars, juice drank by itself will cause your blood to jump in sugar then crash fast, make sure if you drink OJ to have something with it that has long lasting sugar or carbs to stop the crash. Every ones body works differently, but this is a big suggestion in helping depression.

chad 29 m cf(-)

p.s. In this case specifically, the original post said they were "feeling down" so I think there is hope to turn it around without meds. I hope some of this is helping.


New member
If I may make another suggestion, because I was thinking about this alot yesterday after my prior post. But I have done a lot of study into this. And Christian is right saying there are certain cases where pills are necessary, extreme bipolar, suicidal, etc. But through many different things I have done in this subject, schooling (psych), trial and error (on and off meds) more research, I have another suggestion i forgot to add. DIET, can play a majour role in brain chem and emotion. Example, I have a serious low tolerance to caffeine. By drinking on Timmies coffee, my ears would ring and id get massively hyper. But the caffeine crash sometimes would be unbearable, would send me into anxiety and panic attacks sometimes. Not getting proper nutrition ( and I know this is hard with cf, but trying the best you can) can play a majour role in how you feel. If you lack something you may feel tired, which in turn can make you feel crumby or intolerable. I know that things I had in my diet, too much caffeine, too much sugar etc., played a majour role in crashes, heres a big one NOT ENOUGH WATER can make you dehydrated and very crappy. I had to adjust my diet majourly, and it has also help ALOT! I hate water, but i force myself to drink at least 3 bottles a day. Cut caffeine, cause its an upper with majour crashes. Watch short sugars, juice drank by itself will cause your blood to jump in sugar then crash fast, make sure if you drink OJ to have something with it that has long lasting sugar or carbs to stop the crash. Every ones body works differently, but this is a big suggestion in helping depression.

chad 29 m cf(-)

p.s. In this case specifically, the original post said they were "feeling down" so I think there is hope to turn it around without meds. I hope some of this is helping.


New member
Diet has a BIG impact for me. My mind frame when I am in the hospital is always better even if physically I am not. Just from the balanced diet I get. Lets be eat balanced & well on a regular basis is difficult. Both financially & time wise.


New member
Diet has a BIG impact for me. My mind frame when I am in the hospital is always better even if physically I am not. Just from the balanced diet I get. Lets be eat balanced & well on a regular basis is difficult. Both financially & time wise.


New member
I am on Effexor right now, and it made me able to deal with life. If you find that you're having trouble dealing, try a low dose for a short period. You don't have to turn yourself into a zombie to get by. I certainly don't think I am.

Or you could try exercise or diet too, I suppose. Whatever works for you. I've considered counseling in the past myself, it can't be bad for you. There are several ways to attack this problem, as long as you do it to your satisfaction.


New member
I am on Effexor right now, and it made me able to deal with life. If you find that you're having trouble dealing, try a low dose for a short period. You don't have to turn yourself into a zombie to get by. I certainly don't think I am.

Or you could try exercise or diet too, I suppose. Whatever works for you. I've considered counseling in the past myself, it can't be bad for you. There are several ways to attack this problem, as long as you do it to your satisfaction.


New member
I agree with the comment on diet, and caffeine.
Also, I have found exersize so helpful not only to my physical health, but mentally too.

Anything, dance classes, horseback riding, joining a gym, something motivating that will give you an end goal you want to reach.

I started horseback riding, and my goal was to get to cantering. (fast paced running) I took me 4-6 months of weekly classes, taught me alot, changed my physical body, gave me goals.

I think anything that gives you a goal will help you to stick with it.

I agree again that some form of therapy/counseling would be helpful, possibly vital.

And like it was said, this may be a temporary slump. We handle alot, and it's completely normal.



New member
I agree with the comment on diet, and caffeine.
Also, I have found exersize so helpful not only to my physical health, but mentally too.

Anything, dance classes, horseback riding, joining a gym, something motivating that will give you an end goal you want to reach.

I started horseback riding, and my goal was to get to cantering. (fast paced running) I took me 4-6 months of weekly classes, taught me alot, changed my physical body, gave me goals.

I think anything that gives you a goal will help you to stick with it.

I agree again that some form of therapy/counseling would be helpful, possibly vital.

And like it was said, this may be a temporary slump. We handle alot, and it's completely normal.



New member
I agree that anti-deps are not necessarily a healthy option long term, however I would like to reiterate that there are several different types of depression medication, all of which work in different ways and have different effects.

Yes, some of them do make you numb and effect sex drive, ability to orgasm, appetite and sleep patterns. However others, have none of these side effects and everybody is different in the way they feel and react to these meds.

This is why i suggested that the poster try many until they find one that is right for THEM!

To just write all anti-depressant medications off as bad is about as silly as labelling all antibiotics bad, or all inhalable medications bad. It's a very narrow minded response and not very helpful to the poster.

Depression is an illness. I find it hard to believe that so many people on this forum who shovel truckloads of different antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, steroids etc etc down their throats on a daily basis, can be so completely opposed to the idea of taking one extra pill a just seems to me to be a strange attitude anomoly.

Kat (37 with CF, NZ)


New member
I agree that anti-deps are not necessarily a healthy option long term, however I would like to reiterate that there are several different types of depression medication, all of which work in different ways and have different effects.

Yes, some of them do make you numb and effect sex drive, ability to orgasm, appetite and sleep patterns. However others, have none of these side effects and everybody is different in the way they feel and react to these meds.

This is why i suggested that the poster try many until they find one that is right for THEM!

To just write all anti-depressant medications off as bad is about as silly as labelling all antibiotics bad, or all inhalable medications bad. It's a very narrow minded response and not very helpful to the poster.

Depression is an illness. I find it hard to believe that so many people on this forum who shovel truckloads of different antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, steroids etc etc down their throats on a daily basis, can be so completely opposed to the idea of taking one extra pill a just seems to me to be a strange attitude anomoly.

Kat (37 with CF, NZ)


New member
There is a huge difference between clinical depression and "feeling down". I know there are many types of antidepressants, ive tried about 4 of them. Constantly going off them for side effects. Im putting them down because ive been on them, and come off them. I also said in agreeance to christians statement that there definately are cases where people do need them in cases of severe depression, or other mental illnesses. What I also said, is that the poster said they were just feeling down. I think that if you are just feeling down you should try other methods to pull yourself out, rather than just copping out and throwing pills down your throat. There is a huge difference between enzymes to help you digest or inhalers to open your airways, to pills that actually change your brain chemistry and your emotion levels. Last time I checked, there was no side effect of suicide from taking enzymes. try not to look for easy way outs, and categorize all pills as just pills. Do your research.

Chad 29 m cf(-) Canada


New member
There is a huge difference between clinical depression and "feeling down". I know there are many types of antidepressants, ive tried about 4 of them. Constantly going off them for side effects. Im putting them down because ive been on them, and come off them. I also said in agreeance to christians statement that there definately are cases where people do need them in cases of severe depression, or other mental illnesses. What I also said, is that the poster said they were just feeling down. I think that if you are just feeling down you should try other methods to pull yourself out, rather than just copping out and throwing pills down your throat. There is a huge difference between enzymes to help you digest or inhalers to open your airways, to pills that actually change your brain chemistry and your emotion levels. Last time I checked, there was no side effect of suicide from taking enzymes. try not to look for easy way outs, and categorize all pills as just pills. Do your research.

Chad 29 m cf(-) Canada


New member
My docs wont put me on any pills. they want me to do counsoling. which i think is worthless. All they do is sit there and tell me everything i already know they took me fora whole day and evaluated me through tons of tests and told me at the end of the day that i have anxiety, my anger level is high above normal im ocd -obsessive complusive disorder- i have memory problems and i have add n a bunch of crap like that though im very smart at putting puzzles and problems together. Which i knew all this already. They get paided 100 per session and they dont even really listen to you. + im not a people person i much rather be on my own then in a room of people. Alone in my bedroom with a little lamp in my big black canopy bed eating peach icecream and reading a romance novel while listening to cradle of filth. (ps..cof is a british death metal band). So i guess im sustained from my depression with ice cream


New member
My docs wont put me on any pills. they want me to do counsoling. which i think is worthless. All they do is sit there and tell me everything i already know they took me fora whole day and evaluated me through tons of tests and told me at the end of the day that i have anxiety, my anger level is high above normal im ocd -obsessive complusive disorder- i have memory problems and i have add n a bunch of crap like that though im very smart at putting puzzles and problems together. Which i knew all this already. They get paided 100 per session and they dont even really listen to you. + im not a people person i much rather be on my own then in a room of people. Alone in my bedroom with a little lamp in my big black canopy bed eating peach icecream and reading a romance novel while listening to cradle of filth. (ps..cof is a british death metal band). So i guess im sustained from my depression with ice cream