We care brandi, because EVERY post we read you are complaining and bitching about something. Life is going to give you a real smack in the face pretty soon, were just trying to let you know that things don't work how you seem to think they do (in the real world) People aren't nice, and they don't give a crap about where you have been and what you have done. It's better to learn that now than later.
That being said, there are a few times when I have stuck up for you on this forum and had your back, beause at that time I agreed with something you said or did. This isn't about me not liking you or anything childish like that, but it is about sharing my opinion too. Just as you are entitled to yours, and others are entitled to theirs, I am entitled to mine and this world would be a very boring place if we all agreed all of the time.
I think this OFF topic category is a great place to come and express the things you have been sharing lately on the adult and families site and do all the chit chat. That is what it is here for and I (nor do I think any others will) have an issue with what is being said here because the purpose of this category is to just talk, vent and whatever. And like somebody else said, that is exactly what I did when I posted right after you.