

New member
Well i'm 15 a gurl and i'm sick of life. I hate it so much and i just want to die. Yeah i have a shrink but doesnt pay attention to me. She just sits there and look at me. I cut, burn and everything. My friend cfgirl2008 tells me not to do that. But everything in my life is just so screwed up. And over a month ago i got sent to cross, by dss. Cuz my parents "abused me" . But i hat elife so much!!!


New member
Dont give up Ann. Your a good person and just think when your 18 you can live on your own or with me in a house<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> you know im always there for ya when you need me. much love

tiffany 15 w/cf


New member
Can you get a new shrink? How about next time you have to see her you tell her what you think about her, yell at her if you have to....just to get the point across how your feeling and how you think she isnt helping you. Maybe that will get a fire in her butt to listen or try something new. Are you on antidepressants? Just wondering. Alot of cfers are and i would find it odd if you have to see a shrink and are this depressed that you arent. I have been in your shoes and I know how much it sucks. It sucks even worse your doc wont listen to please next time tell her flat out what you think. Shes there to help you....ask her how she would feel if because she isnt paying attention that you hurt yourself more because of her not doing her job.


New member
i thought that i was depressed but now i just know its just funks that i go through my mom even now thinks that i might be depressed cuz i dont eat to much for some very odd reason and im not really hungry but she asked me the other day if i was and i said that i wasnt but anyway i used to hate life when i found out what my dad did to my mom and my family but now i forgive him and just get on with my life and even now i get so mad that i start crying and i cant stop and i think that i just want to die and for eveything to be alright and i jsut say thta i hate life but then i think that if i were to kill myself it would be giving up and i hate to just give up and then i think of everything good thats happened to me and that works most the time so yeah i am praying for u.


Definitely, a good idea, Purplelungz!

Demention2008, I think you might feel better if you let out a little anger, and start out with the shrink! They're being paid to hear you, so let 'er have it!
What's the worst that'll happen? You either get another shrink, or that one starts earning what they're paid to do; help you out of your depression.

It seems many people have been where you are at one time or another in their life. I've been there, myself, too. I find some people cope with it differently, but most everyone uses some sign of asking for help.

Your post alone, seems to me you're calling for help, and we'll do all we can to help you. To have a supportive friend as cfgirl2008 (Tiffany) is a blessing for you, I hope you take advantage of that. I'm real sorry to hear the domestic problems you have, I hope when you are able to discuss it with a shrink (psychologist, or psychiatrist), it helps you find more value to life. One suggestion, even if after you stand up to your shrink, if you don't trust that shrink, look for one you DO trust.

Get well, soon!


New member
Hey Demention, I hope today is going better for you.

It sounds like you have a lot of deep anger - I agree with the other posters that you need to turn that anger away from you (by hurting yourself) and toward your therapist. She's there to help you get a handle on that pain and find healthy ways to cope with it. Start by telling her exactly what you've told us. I think it's normal to not get along with a therapist at first because it takes some time for them to understand what it is your are going through (not just your story, but how you deal with things emotionally) so they know how best to help. By helping her out and telling her what it is you need from her, it might help. If not, tell her you want to see someone else.

When I was a kid in grade school, I would bite myself. Not enough to bleed, just to hurt. I would also break things on purpose just to watch them break. As I got older, I stopped biting, but continued to be destructive of my things and was mean to my brother and sister. It seemed like any little thing would make me mad. I would tear things up that I liked and then be sad about it - it was like I HAD to do it, and didn't have any control over it. One day (I was in my teens) I realized that there was no reason to be so mad. My dad was the one who was always mad, but I realized that didn't mean that I had to be too. It felt really good to know that. I was always a real quiet kid at school and had trouble talking in class, so the school had me see a therapist for a little while. As a kid, I didn't realize what everything was about (and I didn't talk to her either), but I did know that I despised the idea of talking to a therapist. My problems were my business, and I was pretty well trained to not talk about the family to other people (dad was a drug addict and alcholic).

I find now that as the years have gone by and I have spent so much time away from my family, I have had the opportunity to look back and see things in a different light. I still love my family - I am sad at some of the decisions that they made for their own lives, but it is not my duty to help carry that weight. I am such a different person now than when I was younger. I always felt that I needed to go through life on my own and not share my problems with anyone - cf related or not. Now I realize how great it is to have people to share my problems with. I even have a boyfriend (my first at the age of 30) who is so supportive of me. I always thought of myself as a burden, but I was wrong.

The reason I am telling you all this, is that even though you may not like where you are right now in life, things do change. It can be very hard, and I can't promise that you will wake up next week and everything will be better. Take it slow, one day at a time, and do babysteps. I know you hate your therapist, but take advantage of the fact she is there. Don't be afraid to open up and let some of that anger get out of your system. It sounds like you've already held it in for way too long.

Ask about a group that fits your needs where you can vent and relate to other people in your same situation and age group. It might take some of the pressure off to not be in a one-on-one situation, and to see others who share the same pain that you do. You can also be asked to be put in a mentor program if your city has one. It pairs you up with an adult (like a big sister) who can help you discover life outside of your situation.

Don't give up - fight it and win so you can come back here some day and help someone else.


New member
i was just wondering, & i mean this in the nicest way possible, what else would you rather do than live life? do you know of anything else you can do? die-maybe but you don't know what that's like, does anyone, could be the same? Did you ever think maybe you just have the wrong perspective? maybe if you forgot of the bad stuff, the good stuuf would make its way in without you even realising. Again. there is no offence intended to this reply, i just am intrigued when people say they "hate" life???????


Well, Shauna,
This may get off the topic a little, but to answer your question, in my experience and opinion, people who wish to die seem to feel it is better than what their life is, and don't think that they have the power to change their own situation in life. The good thing is, the ones who have that feeling would expressed it to someone; meaning they are calling for help. And, for the ones who have been helped, and learn to help others is another good thing.

No one knows what death is like, and therefore, there are some religions that believe if a person takes their own life, it is not going to be a pleasant after-life. To an extent, I'd have to agree, but it was only the reason why I never tried anything as foolish, and decided to learn the importance of loving myself and others, instead.

I just hope after being intrigued, you are able to understand and help those with such feelings for in the future.

Regards, (and trying to put a reply to your inquiry in the nicest and easiest way, possible)


New member
Just to let ya'll know she doesn't have CF

Tiffany 15 w/cf

P.S. things are still about the same with her. im being as supportive as i can be


New member
HEY demention ... it me silent cry.. i hope you get over your depression...!!!!!!!!!! heart you... bye<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Thanks for the tip, Tiffany.

She didn't mention it, but since I wasn't going to assume it, I targeted my reply as a "general" form to suggest a way to find a more fullfilling life.

Personally, my life has so many ups and downs, too. I find that as long as a long-term goal of some sort can be found in life, there's reason for continuing. In some cases, that goal may be reached, or found impossible, but that only means a quest for another goal is to be made.

Depression is not something to fool around with, it is self-destructive if not treated in some way. I really hope that demention2008 (Ann) can find some comfort from reading this post, and is willing to try the things suggest in order to help her through her depression.

Get well, don't give up hope.


New member
She told me that she is starting to strave herself so she can go into a hospital. she also said last night she went outside sitting without jacket for an hour and that she slit her wrist. Its starting to scare me real bad and i just wish things would get better fast but it dont seem that way.

tiffany 15 w/cf


Well, Tiffany, after seeing a new title ("KG") that demension2008 won't kill herself, it's a relief to know she realizes the impact on her freinds, more than herself.

With that, I hope you are able to help her continue through the first step to getting better.



New member
What up demention, its me jfreak. Yeah i hope you dont become like me. I am depresses 24/7. oh, here is something that will make you laugh, Hugo stinks!!