

New member
I am so frustrated right now! I don't even know where to begin, I am on my third antidepressant in 2 months, my doc said I should notice a gradual improvement but I'm not. Some days I think "I feel pretty good, maybe it is working" then a couple days later I have a day like today when I get angry and sad for no apparent reason. I have crying spells or I fly off the handle. Things that would not have bothered me a year ago really get to me.

Brian is not really any help, he has had such a bad year that he's on the same antidepresant that I am. I feel like I should be happy and I'm most of the time I'm not! That just makes it worse. Maybe its time to think about therapy on top of the meds.

Anyway, hope I didn't bring anybody else down with my griping, thanks for listening to my rant.


New member
I am so frustrated right now! I don't even know where to begin, I am on my third antidepressant in 2 months, my doc said I should notice a gradual improvement but I'm not. Some days I think "I feel pretty good, maybe it is working" then a couple days later I have a day like today when I get angry and sad for no apparent reason. I have crying spells or I fly off the handle. Things that would not have bothered me a year ago really get to me.

Brian is not really any help, he has had such a bad year that he's on the same antidepresant that I am. I feel like I should be happy and I'm most of the time I'm not! That just makes it worse. Maybe its time to think about therapy on top of the meds.

Anyway, hope I didn't bring anybody else down with my griping, thanks for listening to my rant.


New member
I am so frustrated right now! I don't even know where to begin, I am on my third antidepressant in 2 months, my doc said I should notice a gradual improvement but I'm not. Some days I think "I feel pretty good, maybe it is working" then a couple days later I have a day like today when I get angry and sad for no apparent reason. I have crying spells or I fly off the handle. Things that would not have bothered me a year ago really get to me.

Brian is not really any help, he has had such a bad year that he's on the same antidepresant that I am. I feel like I should be happy and I'm most of the time I'm not! That just makes it worse. Maybe its time to think about therapy on top of the meds.

Anyway, hope I didn't bring anybody else down with my griping, thanks for listening to my rant.


New member
1. Talk about it as much as you need to. When women talk, their seratonin levels go up. What makes people depressed? Low seratonin levels. So TALK WOMAN!

2. It takes 2 weeks before you will notice ANYTHING from an SSRI. And a few months for max effect. It takes a long time to titrate up to an effective dose. so the fact that you're on your 3rd drug in 2 months is very suspicious to me.... Can you give a more in-depth description of how long you were on each drug, what dose you titrated up to, etc?

3. Hang in there. This WILL get better. People with chronic illnesses often get depressed for physiological reasons. Often times their bodies are spending so many resources on fighting their ailment that not enough seratonin is produced or the receptors of the seratonin go faulty and therefore depression kicks in. It's an actual physician occurence. So hang in there..this will be resolved but it might take some patience and investigating.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> FIGHT ON


New member
1. Talk about it as much as you need to. When women talk, their seratonin levels go up. What makes people depressed? Low seratonin levels. So TALK WOMAN!

2. It takes 2 weeks before you will notice ANYTHING from an SSRI. And a few months for max effect. It takes a long time to titrate up to an effective dose. so the fact that you're on your 3rd drug in 2 months is very suspicious to me.... Can you give a more in-depth description of how long you were on each drug, what dose you titrated up to, etc?

3. Hang in there. This WILL get better. People with chronic illnesses often get depressed for physiological reasons. Often times their bodies are spending so many resources on fighting their ailment that not enough seratonin is produced or the receptors of the seratonin go faulty and therefore depression kicks in. It's an actual physician occurence. So hang in there..this will be resolved but it might take some patience and investigating.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> FIGHT ON


New member
1. Talk about it as much as you need to. When women talk, their seratonin levels go up. What makes people depressed? Low seratonin levels. So TALK WOMAN!

2. It takes 2 weeks before you will notice ANYTHING from an SSRI. And a few months for max effect. It takes a long time to titrate up to an effective dose. so the fact that you're on your 3rd drug in 2 months is very suspicious to me.... Can you give a more in-depth description of how long you were on each drug, what dose you titrated up to, etc?

3. Hang in there. This WILL get better. People with chronic illnesses often get depressed for physiological reasons. Often times their bodies are spending so many resources on fighting their ailment that not enough seratonin is produced or the receptors of the seratonin go faulty and therefore depression kicks in. It's an actual physician occurence. So hang in there..this will be resolved but it might take some patience and investigating.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> FIGHT ON


New member
I would look into food allergies. Namely, Wheat/gluten. When I was ~13, before diagnosis, I started getting angry, upset easily, overall crappy feeling about the world. I went off at anyone and everyone, cried everyday, punched pillows and Yell; I had a panic or anxiety attack nearly everyday. I would just Freak Out and lose touch. I felt so alone, so scared, so angry, and I didn't know why. I would also go into days of just sleeping because I couldn't handle being awake, being what I was awake. I was a truely horrible person, and I felt horrible. I turned 15, decided I needed help. Saw a therapist, when on anti-depressants. Changed twice. None of it helped. Just before I turned 17, I went to my doctor about belly pains not related to CF. He suggested I quit eating wheat/gluten to see if it was causing the pain. I did a ten day elimation diet, and by day 4, I started to stabalize. I woke up without that feeling of "Oh Lord. Another Day. Can I Do This One More Time?" I started to not yell as much by day 7, I stopped crying when I dropped a pen. I stopped ripping everyones head off when they asked me to get them some socks or whatever. My whole body shifted, and I was So amazed.
I know I can't say for sure that your problem is food related, but there is much evidence to support that depression/anxiety/panic can be directly linked to food intolerance. Mine are wheat and potatoes. They just mess with my chemical balances in my brain for whatever reason. So I don't eat them. It's hard, but worth it because i'm me again. I don't feel like a puppet anymore, watching myself say and do things that I don't really mean or don't want to do because my emotions are so out of whack. I got off the anti-depressants, and am now working towards rebuilding what I lost during those years. I wish you the best of luck, and if you ever want to talk, i'm very willing to listen. I know what you're going through so well, and so I would love to help you walk this path and find the balance that I have, however you get there. You are not alone.

Be well.



New member
I would look into food allergies. Namely, Wheat/gluten. When I was ~13, before diagnosis, I started getting angry, upset easily, overall crappy feeling about the world. I went off at anyone and everyone, cried everyday, punched pillows and Yell; I had a panic or anxiety attack nearly everyday. I would just Freak Out and lose touch. I felt so alone, so scared, so angry, and I didn't know why. I would also go into days of just sleeping because I couldn't handle being awake, being what I was awake. I was a truely horrible person, and I felt horrible. I turned 15, decided I needed help. Saw a therapist, when on anti-depressants. Changed twice. None of it helped. Just before I turned 17, I went to my doctor about belly pains not related to CF. He suggested I quit eating wheat/gluten to see if it was causing the pain. I did a ten day elimation diet, and by day 4, I started to stabalize. I woke up without that feeling of "Oh Lord. Another Day. Can I Do This One More Time?" I started to not yell as much by day 7, I stopped crying when I dropped a pen. I stopped ripping everyones head off when they asked me to get them some socks or whatever. My whole body shifted, and I was So amazed.
I know I can't say for sure that your problem is food related, but there is much evidence to support that depression/anxiety/panic can be directly linked to food intolerance. Mine are wheat and potatoes. They just mess with my chemical balances in my brain for whatever reason. So I don't eat them. It's hard, but worth it because i'm me again. I don't feel like a puppet anymore, watching myself say and do things that I don't really mean or don't want to do because my emotions are so out of whack. I got off the anti-depressants, and am now working towards rebuilding what I lost during those years. I wish you the best of luck, and if you ever want to talk, i'm very willing to listen. I know what you're going through so well, and so I would love to help you walk this path and find the balance that I have, however you get there. You are not alone.

Be well.



New member
I would look into food allergies. Namely, Wheat/gluten. When I was ~13, before diagnosis, I started getting angry, upset easily, overall crappy feeling about the world. I went off at anyone and everyone, cried everyday, punched pillows and Yell; I had a panic or anxiety attack nearly everyday. I would just Freak Out and lose touch. I felt so alone, so scared, so angry, and I didn't know why. I would also go into days of just sleeping because I couldn't handle being awake, being what I was awake. I was a truely horrible person, and I felt horrible. I turned 15, decided I needed help. Saw a therapist, when on anti-depressants. Changed twice. None of it helped. Just before I turned 17, I went to my doctor about belly pains not related to CF. He suggested I quit eating wheat/gluten to see if it was causing the pain. I did a ten day elimation diet, and by day 4, I started to stabalize. I woke up without that feeling of "Oh Lord. Another Day. Can I Do This One More Time?" I started to not yell as much by day 7, I stopped crying when I dropped a pen. I stopped ripping everyones head off when they asked me to get them some socks or whatever. My whole body shifted, and I was So amazed.
I know I can't say for sure that your problem is food related, but there is much evidence to support that depression/anxiety/panic can be directly linked to food intolerance. Mine are wheat and potatoes. They just mess with my chemical balances in my brain for whatever reason. So I don't eat them. It's hard, but worth it because i'm me again. I don't feel like a puppet anymore, watching myself say and do things that I don't really mean or don't want to do because my emotions are so out of whack. I got off the anti-depressants, and am now working towards rebuilding what I lost during those years. I wish you the best of luck, and if you ever want to talk, i'm very willing to listen. I know what you're going through so well, and so I would love to help you walk this path and find the balance that I have, however you get there. You are not alone.

Be well.



New member
Hey, there... I'm on Zoloft b/c I started having depression two years ago. I finally got myself to a psychaitrist a year ago, and I agree with Sakasuka (above)--it takes time. Depression is the pits--much worse than any physical thing I've had with CF. (Not that depression isn't physical, but you know what I mean!) I really recommend therapy. I have a great guy who has helped me a lot. Good luck. Write anytime.


New member
Hey, there... I'm on Zoloft b/c I started having depression two years ago. I finally got myself to a psychaitrist a year ago, and I agree with Sakasuka (above)--it takes time. Depression is the pits--much worse than any physical thing I've had with CF. (Not that depression isn't physical, but you know what I mean!) I really recommend therapy. I have a great guy who has helped me a lot. Good luck. Write anytime.


New member
Hey, there... I'm on Zoloft b/c I started having depression two years ago. I finally got myself to a psychaitrist a year ago, and I agree with Sakasuka (above)--it takes time. Depression is the pits--much worse than any physical thing I've had with CF. (Not that depression isn't physical, but you know what I mean!) I really recommend therapy. I have a great guy who has helped me a lot. Good luck. Write anytime.


New member
You may want to try walking,,,, if you dont already do that. Walking releases endorphans that lift your mood. Actually i imagine any exercise would have the same effect. if you have headphones you may want to listen to some upbeat music while walking, that may help you pick up the pace and also spruce up your mood. Of coarse this is only a temporary solution, but it may be of great help for you. I know it works for me.


New member
You may want to try walking,,,, if you dont already do that. Walking releases endorphans that lift your mood. Actually i imagine any exercise would have the same effect. if you have headphones you may want to listen to some upbeat music while walking, that may help you pick up the pace and also spruce up your mood. Of coarse this is only a temporary solution, but it may be of great help for you. I know it works for me.


New member
You may want to try walking,,,, if you dont already do that. Walking releases endorphans that lift your mood. Actually i imagine any exercise would have the same effect. if you have headphones you may want to listen to some upbeat music while walking, that may help you pick up the pace and also spruce up your mood. Of coarse this is only a temporary solution, but it may be of great help for you. I know it works for me.


New member
Just wanted to say that I am sorry that you guys are in a rut.. I agree talk about it as much as you need to.. It really, really, does help.

I think the only reason therapy works is because you are able to talk things through......

Wish I could make it better for you, but for now, we are here for you..




New member
Just wanted to say that I am sorry that you guys are in a rut.. I agree talk about it as much as you need to.. It really, really, does help.

I think the only reason therapy works is because you are able to talk things through......

Wish I could make it better for you, but for now, we are here for you..




New member
Just wanted to say that I am sorry that you guys are in a rut.. I agree talk about it as much as you need to.. It really, really, does help.

I think the only reason therapy works is because you are able to talk things through......

Wish I could make it better for you, but for now, we are here for you..




New member
The reason I am on my third drug is because I had such bad reactions to the first two. I nearly passed out on my first dose of prozac and had bad vertigo for the next week that I kept taking it. The vertigo never got better so I stopped with my doc's ok. The next, Welbutrin, which was a complete disaster, extreme dizziness, nausea, vomiting, ringing ears. I couldn't get out of bed for 6 hours. So we tried amitryptoline (sp??). I started on a really low dose (5 mg) and physically I handled it fine but it was such a low dose that after about 3 weeks of absolutely no improvement of my moods I asked for a bigger dose (we went to 25 mg but I cut them in half for the first week). I've been taking the full 25 mg for about a week now.

Last night when I posted the original message was really bad. I was having crying jags for no apparent reason (I was REALLY tired from having worked an early shift so I'm sure that didn't help). My hubby was already asleep and I just needed to vent. I know you guys would be understanding. I have a follow up scheduled with the doc and if I'm still not feeling better I'll get a referal to a therapist.


New member
The reason I am on my third drug is because I had such bad reactions to the first two. I nearly passed out on my first dose of prozac and had bad vertigo for the next week that I kept taking it. The vertigo never got better so I stopped with my doc's ok. The next, Welbutrin, which was a complete disaster, extreme dizziness, nausea, vomiting, ringing ears. I couldn't get out of bed for 6 hours. So we tried amitryptoline (sp??). I started on a really low dose (5 mg) and physically I handled it fine but it was such a low dose that after about 3 weeks of absolutely no improvement of my moods I asked for a bigger dose (we went to 25 mg but I cut them in half for the first week). I've been taking the full 25 mg for about a week now.

Last night when I posted the original message was really bad. I was having crying jags for no apparent reason (I was REALLY tired from having worked an early shift so I'm sure that didn't help). My hubby was already asleep and I just needed to vent. I know you guys would be understanding. I have a follow up scheduled with the doc and if I'm still not feeling better I'll get a referal to a therapist.