DESIGNING NEW VEST!!>>> need oppinions and exsperances people have had... what do you like... what do you want changed
Hi, my name is carolynn i am an Industrial Design student from milwaukee WI. I do not have CF but my Boyfreind and his brother both do. For my Senior Thesis i am redesigning "the vest".
I was wondering if people could tell me the problems they have occured with thier vest or any respritory therapy at all... or have seen with thier family memebers.
What do you like about the vest you have,
Which vest and other theropys do you use.
Is it hard for you to use..
Where in the house do you do the therapy.
Do you travel with the vest? Is it difficult?
Do you find it effective?
Dose it hurt to bad?
Dose your medi-port get in the way.
If you are female dose it hurt the breast area?
Dose it ride up?
Is it not vibrating enough on places you need it to?
Dose it work for you?
Any thing anyone can tell me will be most helpful and greatly appreiciated. I know thier are many individual proplems with current models and i would like to attend to those. I will keep every updated on the progress made on my design <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Hopefully it will be th next best thing hehe.... THANK YOU
god bless ,
Hi, my name is carolynn i am an Industrial Design student from milwaukee WI. I do not have CF but my Boyfreind and his brother both do. For my Senior Thesis i am redesigning "the vest".
I was wondering if people could tell me the problems they have occured with thier vest or any respritory therapy at all... or have seen with thier family memebers.
What do you like about the vest you have,
Which vest and other theropys do you use.
Is it hard for you to use..
Where in the house do you do the therapy.
Do you travel with the vest? Is it difficult?
Do you find it effective?
Dose it hurt to bad?
Dose your medi-port get in the way.
If you are female dose it hurt the breast area?
Dose it ride up?
Is it not vibrating enough on places you need it to?
Dose it work for you?
Any thing anyone can tell me will be most helpful and greatly appreiciated. I know thier are many individual proplems with current models and i would like to attend to those. I will keep every updated on the progress made on my design <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Hopefully it will be th next best thing hehe.... THANK YOU
god bless ,