Hi My Daughter was diagnosed last year. She has the same symptoms as you have. Her mutation must be rare as well because they were only able to identify one gene that indicated the mutation. She is sick all the time. She has some good days but she shows symptoms most days. This is the first time I am writing. It has been dificult because no one diagnosed her and I took her from one doctor to the next. Finally, an allergy and asmtha specialist sugested we do a sweat test which came up positive. We were shocked, overwhelmed, sad, confused. It has only been one year. It is a complicated disease. They do not know enough about the disease. She is 15 and has been difficult with doing her medicine. She had surgery as well after she was diagnosed. She had felt some relief but not enough. Each day is a battle but we try to take one day at a time. My son was tested and came up with intermediate CF and tomorrow we find go to the doctor to get some answers about him. He does not have symptoms like my daughter. I found that if she does her medicine, eats alot of protein and gets her rest she is better. Also the ocean helps. Be well and hopefully we can help each other! christine k