Diagnosis, I want your details!


New member
My daughter was dignosed at age 6 years. Despite family history of CF. I was concerned about her bowel movements and asked her pediatrician " could she have CF?". No - was her response. So enraged - still am!

Anyone from Ontario Canada - love to hear from them.



New member
I was diagnosed at 3 years old, because of failure to thrive etc.
What really makes me mad is, the doctor i had then, told my parents that since my cf was so mild, i would eventually "outgrow" it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0"> I was extremely lucky to have had a very healthy childhood, because the doctors lackadasical attitude , made my parents feel that everything was going to be just fine , which meant nothing "special" needed to be done. I know that in the late 60's ( when i was diagnosed) there wasnt much known about cf, so there wasnt the kind of info available that we have now. My poor parents were under the impression i was going to outgrow cf because i had it so mild. Even I myself, thought it wouldnt get any worse, till i got older and changes started happening. Then i went to an adult cf doctor and he enlightened me that cf is chronic progressive. My parents were surprised to hear that since they were led to believe i was going to "outgrow" it someday. They now have a way better understanding of what cf's all about, especially since my getting b.cepacia, things have really changed.

~Diane 40 / cf/ diabetes / b.cepacia


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My twins were diagnosed at birth because both had meconium Ileus. Started on neb and pd's, vitamins, zantac, and enzymes right away!!


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HI Colette,

We are in Montreal Canada<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">))....Not that far away<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> My 9yr old step-son w/cf is treated at CHEO in Ottawa.

Nice to see other Canadians out there<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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I was diagnosed a few weeks after birth because my sister who was 2 years older than me had it, so they tested me and the next 3 kids after me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Diagnosed at 22, was always thin and would get bhronchitis almost every year as a kid. The real respitory problems didn't start till I was about 19-20.

Dave 30 w/cf


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Yep, Mom you didn't even get to hold me before I went off to surgery <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">. I think you made up for lost time when you finally could hold me though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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I was finally diagnosed at 15 months even though from about 12 months i was sick all the time and before that i was always crying... for most of my baby life i was on very stong muscle relaxers because my family doctor thought i just had colic. Then my mom thought it was a food alergy and took me to another doctor who put me on diet after diet until i was 15 months at 12 lbs and a colloapsed lung. They tested me 5 times for cf and in the end the doctor said i "might have a HINT of CF" and to drive me to the toronto childrens hospital immediatly (we lived 4 hrs away)

Ashley 20w/cf


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KATHY!! You wrote this but you may have well been talking about me!!! How wierd! (My name is Colleen)

"Coll was diagnosed at birth due to meconium ileus (even had surgery the same day she was born!). "

The only difference is that I had surgery the day after I was born...because I was born at 10:26PM


New member
I was diagnosed at 6 months. I had been in the hosptial 3 times for pnemonia and at six months old I weighed 6 onces less then when I was born. I went to all kinds of specialists it was my regular doctor who figured it out.
Shavonica 19/F with CF


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CheerColl, Kathy was talking about our other Colleen (NoDayButToday). Coll is her daughter. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


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Colleen! Another Colleen! I go by Coll though-- I don't know anyone else named Colleen in my area and age range- there is one Coleen at my school, but the one L spelling doesn't count <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


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Hi Dave in St. Catharines,

Do u go to McMaster CF centre. My daughter is 15 and am concerned about her switching over to the adult clinic in a couple years.

What are your feelings and how does it differ from the kids CF clinic?

Any insight would be helpful.



New member
My son was diagnosed in his thirties and the doctor says "it's mild and won't cause further problems." How much more enlightened are they now in this century than last. When I look back at his early history he was classic c.f. but I was told it was allergies, or my over concern that was at the base of it. Now it is more difficult to accept and to adjust to the reality that always lay in the back of my mind. Willow