VRTX has put 661 in a different class in their go to market strategy; 661 is the first of this new corrector class. From the preso's I have seen, this next gen of correctors could work with other correctors, as well as 770.
According to the trials.gov info, the dosage of each is vastly different (in particular, this is the moving target with 809 that may be delaying the Ph3 trial -- I support this conclusion by reading through the transcripts of the analysts calls with VRTX).
The 809/770 trial has been granted new status with the FDA; 'Fast Track,' or something like that. What this means to the CF community isn't exactly clear (at least not to me). Does it mean that there is more flexibility in trial design? Interpretation of endpoint success? Quicker / broader access? 661/770 has not had this designation (at least not yet).
809/770 has had Ph2 data reported (somewhat infamously I suppose). 661/770 Ph2 has not.
Maybe there is a question: why one and not the other? This question has been asked a few times on the VRTX earnings call or other calls with analysts (Nov 2012; late May 2012). The science bypasses me at this point but from a business point of view, if I am VRTX, I need 770 E V E R Y W H E R E as quick as possible, whether it is with 809, 661 or anything else. Right now, 809 is furthest down the path.