My recommendation is to run the additional testing both Sweat and extended mutations. As previously mentioned there are thousands of mutations and lab tests to find about 80 (now). I recently was at a CF Conference and there is an increasing population of "CF Like" patients. These are folks like yourself who have symptoms of CF, are prescribed CF medications, and are found to have at least one CF gene, but can not confirm with a sweat test or 2 copies of CF genes to in fact, be called>>>CF. All I can say, if being treated like a CF patient makes you feel better, then there is no harm not having a positive diagnose, until or if they come up with a tool to say for sure.<br>I know a little boy who is in exactly the same situation, and his mother takes him to CF clinic. he is seen by CF docs, he takes enzymes from digestion and he is doing very well. She looks forward to the diagnostic tools that will say for sure (someday) he does or does not have CF, but for her, she is just glad he is healthier then he was before they started treating him.<br>