My grandfather passed away this afternoon. I am now determining whether or not to fly to the funeral several states away. Under normal circumstances, I would not think twice and would hop right on a plane, however I am having troubles deciding what to do in this case and feel terribly terribly guilty and alone for even thinking this way.
Here's why:
The funeral will be either Friday or Saturday.
There is ONE flight I can take that is not sold out (its a small town) and does not cost over $600. This flight leaves at 7:00 am. I would have to be at the airport by 5, meaning leaving my house by about 4:30. I would have to get up around 3:00 am in order to do treatments and eat. I generally go to bed (as is my habit) around 1-2 am. So, this leaves me with about an hour or two of sleep prior to the flight. I know many would say "go to bed early", but anyone who knows a habit that you've been doing for years is hard to break. I also know I've taken this early flight before and it really ran me down physically and mentally.
I would be travelling alone, since my DH would have to stay and look after our dogs. So, would be lugging around my equipment, etc. alone at 5 in the morning after (at most) 3-4 hours' sleep.
Then, I'd get there just in time for family gatherings (large extended family) and a wake in the evening. Then, the funeral the following morning followed by more family time. I would then have maybe one day that would just be spent with family and reminising and the following day would get on a plane (around 9 am, so be up around 7 or 8) to fly home.
THEN.... in 5 days from when I get back, my DH and I have tickets to go on our first ever vacation together to D.C., so a full 5 hours in flight on Saturday for a week-long vacation and then fly back.
I'm still a bit congested from the cold I had about 2 weeks ago. I'm not sick per say, but could certainly see myself getting run down easily.
.... SO, what do I do???? I feel absolutely horrid even entertaining the idea of putting the possibility of getting rundown and sick prior to our vacation in front of going to the funeral. Yet, I know my body and don't know if I can take that much commotion (and that little sleep) within 2 weeks's time. I feel terrible that I would consider a POSSIBILITY of gettting sick over something that would mean so much to so many. I mean it is just that... a possibility. But, I also am just finally bouncing back from being sick for a month with a cold and am finally getting back to the gym, etc. and now to put the added pressure on my body????
WHAT DO YA'LL THINK??? I feel so terrible right now. I feel like a bad person even thinking I would rather not take an early morning flight cause I will get less sleep. It just sounds so terrible and I'm embarassed to even type this. I DO want to be there for my family, but in the same respect, don't want to get so rundown that I end up in the hospital in D.C. or when I get back...
WHAT WOULD YOU DO??????????????
Thanks so much for any ideas or experiences or thoughts you can share,
My grandfather passed away this afternoon. I am now determining whether or not to fly to the funeral several states away. Under normal circumstances, I would not think twice and would hop right on a plane, however I am having troubles deciding what to do in this case and feel terribly terribly guilty and alone for even thinking this way.
Here's why:
The funeral will be either Friday or Saturday.
There is ONE flight I can take that is not sold out (its a small town) and does not cost over $600. This flight leaves at 7:00 am. I would have to be at the airport by 5, meaning leaving my house by about 4:30. I would have to get up around 3:00 am in order to do treatments and eat. I generally go to bed (as is my habit) around 1-2 am. So, this leaves me with about an hour or two of sleep prior to the flight. I know many would say "go to bed early", but anyone who knows a habit that you've been doing for years is hard to break. I also know I've taken this early flight before and it really ran me down physically and mentally.
I would be travelling alone, since my DH would have to stay and look after our dogs. So, would be lugging around my equipment, etc. alone at 5 in the morning after (at most) 3-4 hours' sleep.
Then, I'd get there just in time for family gatherings (large extended family) and a wake in the evening. Then, the funeral the following morning followed by more family time. I would then have maybe one day that would just be spent with family and reminising and the following day would get on a plane (around 9 am, so be up around 7 or 8) to fly home.
THEN.... in 5 days from when I get back, my DH and I have tickets to go on our first ever vacation together to D.C., so a full 5 hours in flight on Saturday for a week-long vacation and then fly back.
I'm still a bit congested from the cold I had about 2 weeks ago. I'm not sick per say, but could certainly see myself getting run down easily.
.... SO, what do I do???? I feel absolutely horrid even entertaining the idea of putting the possibility of getting rundown and sick prior to our vacation in front of going to the funeral. Yet, I know my body and don't know if I can take that much commotion (and that little sleep) within 2 weeks's time. I feel terrible that I would consider a POSSIBILITY of gettting sick over something that would mean so much to so many. I mean it is just that... a possibility. But, I also am just finally bouncing back from being sick for a month with a cold and am finally getting back to the gym, etc. and now to put the added pressure on my body????
WHAT DO YA'LL THINK??? I feel so terrible right now. I feel like a bad person even thinking I would rather not take an early morning flight cause I will get less sleep. It just sounds so terrible and I'm embarassed to even type this. I DO want to be there for my family, but in the same respect, don't want to get so rundown that I end up in the hospital in D.C. or when I get back...
WHAT WOULD YOU DO??????????????
Thanks so much for any ideas or experiences or thoughts you can share,