

New member
Sonia, I have absolutely no advice on the matter, but wished to express my condolences. I know this is quite a dilema, and I think you know what is best for you to do. Your health is most important. I certainly hope that your family can understand that. I am sorry for your loss, and how this damn disease even interfers with death. Please take care of yourself.


New member
Sonia, I have absolutely no advice on the matter, but wished to express my condolences. I know this is quite a dilema, and I think you know what is best for you to do. Your health is most important. I certainly hope that your family can understand that. I am sorry for your loss, and how this damn disease even interfers with death. Please take care of yourself.


New member
Sonia, I have absolutely no advice on the matter, but wished to express my condolences. I know this is quite a dilema, and I think you know what is best for you to do. Your health is most important. I certainly hope that your family can understand that. I am sorry for your loss, and how this damn disease even interfers with death. Please take care of yourself.


New member
Sonia, I have absolutely no advice on the matter, but wished to express my condolences. I know this is quite a dilema, and I think you know what is best for you to do. Your health is most important. I certainly hope that your family can understand that. I am sorry for your loss, and how this damn disease even interfers with death. Please take care of yourself.


New member
I am so sorry Sweety. This is one of those cases that you will kick yourself no matter what you do. IF you dont go & save your health, you will feel guilty. IF you do go & wear yourself out in general & for your vacation with hubby you will be angry at yourself. You have to look at the big picture and your health is more important. Even if you didnt have the vacation with hubby coming up, you have said the trip for the funeral etc (due to the timing blah blah) would take its toll. So why risk it.......If you are worried that people wont understand then you just need to point out to them (unless you dont feel a need to validate your decision) that the "rushing/timing" is just too much and you cant risk it. HUGS & Sorry for your loss!


New member
I am so sorry Sweety. This is one of those cases that you will kick yourself no matter what you do. IF you dont go & save your health, you will feel guilty. IF you do go & wear yourself out in general & for your vacation with hubby you will be angry at yourself. You have to look at the big picture and your health is more important. Even if you didnt have the vacation with hubby coming up, you have said the trip for the funeral etc (due to the timing blah blah) would take its toll. So why risk it.......If you are worried that people wont understand then you just need to point out to them (unless you dont feel a need to validate your decision) that the "rushing/timing" is just too much and you cant risk it. HUGS & Sorry for your loss!


New member
I am so sorry Sweety. This is one of those cases that you will kick yourself no matter what you do. IF you dont go & save your health, you will feel guilty. IF you do go & wear yourself out in general & for your vacation with hubby you will be angry at yourself. You have to look at the big picture and your health is more important. Even if you didnt have the vacation with hubby coming up, you have said the trip for the funeral etc (due to the timing blah blah) would take its toll. So why risk it.......If you are worried that people wont understand then you just need to point out to them (unless you dont feel a need to validate your decision) that the "rushing/timing" is just too much and you cant risk it. HUGS & Sorry for your loss!


New member
I am so sorry Sweety. This is one of those cases that you will kick yourself no matter what you do. IF you dont go & save your health, you will feel guilty. IF you do go & wear yourself out in general & for your vacation with hubby you will be angry at yourself. You have to look at the big picture and your health is more important. Even if you didnt have the vacation with hubby coming up, you have said the trip for the funeral etc (due to the timing blah blah) would take its toll. So why risk it.......If you are worried that people wont understand then you just need to point out to them (unless you dont feel a need to validate your decision) that the "rushing/timing" is just too much and you cant risk it. HUGS & Sorry for your loss!


New member
I am so sorry Sweety. This is one of those cases that you will kick yourself no matter what you do. IF you dont go & save your health, you will feel guilty. IF you do go & wear yourself out in general & for your vacation with hubby you will be angry at yourself. You have to look at the big picture and your health is more important. Even if you didnt have the vacation with hubby coming up, you have said the trip for the funeral etc (due to the timing blah blah) would take its toll. So why risk it.......If you are worried that people wont understand then you just need to point out to them (unless you dont feel a need to validate your decision) that the "rushing/timing" is just too much and you cant risk it. HUGS & Sorry for your loss!


New member
I am so sorry Sweety. This is one of those cases that you will kick yourself no matter what you do. IF you dont go & save your health, you will feel guilty. IF you do go & wear yourself out in general & for your vacation with hubby you will be angry at yourself. You have to look at the big picture and your health is more important. Even if you didnt have the vacation with hubby coming up, you have said the trip for the funeral etc (due to the timing blah blah) would take its toll. So why risk it.......If you are worried that people wont understand then you just need to point out to them (unless you dont feel a need to validate your decision) that the "rushing/timing" is just too much and you cant risk it. HUGS & Sorry for your loss!


New member
I am sorry to hear about you loss.

I dont know what you should do but I know my grandfather woudl have wanted me to take care of myself and remain my tush at home and think of him instead. Maybe think of what you think your grandfather woudl want you to do?


New member
I am sorry to hear about you loss.

I dont know what you should do but I know my grandfather woudl have wanted me to take care of myself and remain my tush at home and think of him instead. Maybe think of what you think your grandfather woudl want you to do?


New member
I am sorry to hear about you loss.

I dont know what you should do but I know my grandfather woudl have wanted me to take care of myself and remain my tush at home and think of him instead. Maybe think of what you think your grandfather woudl want you to do?


New member
I am sorry to hear about you loss.

I dont know what you should do but I know my grandfather woudl have wanted me to take care of myself and remain my tush at home and think of him instead. Maybe think of what you think your grandfather woudl want you to do?


New member
I am sorry to hear about you loss.

I dont know what you should do but I know my grandfather woudl have wanted me to take care of myself and remain my tush at home and think of him instead. Maybe think of what you think your grandfather woudl want you to do?


New member
I am sorry to hear about you loss.

I dont know what you should do but I know my grandfather woudl have wanted me to take care of myself and remain my tush at home and think of him instead. Maybe think of what you think your grandfather woudl want you to do?


New member
I am sorry to hear about you loss.

I dont know what you should do but I know my grandfather woudl have wanted me to take care of myself and remain my tush at home and think of him instead. Maybe think of what you think your grandfather woudl want you to do?


New member
I am sorry to hear about you loss.

I dont know what you should do but I know my grandfather woudl have wanted me to take care of myself and remain my tush at home and think of him instead. Maybe think of what you think your grandfather woudl want you to do?


New member
I am sorry to hear about you loss.

I dont know what you should do but I know my grandfather woudl have wanted me to take care of myself and remain my tush at home and think of him instead. Maybe think of what you think your grandfather woudl want you to do?


New member
I am sorry to hear about you loss.

I dont know what you should do but I know my grandfather woudl have wanted me to take care of myself and remain my tush at home and think of him instead. Maybe think of what you think your grandfather woudl want you to do?