

New member
My family and I always do the Great Strides walk. This year, I am in grad school in a small class of 11 other girls. So, I hung up my sponser sheet in our little graduate lounge with a little message about the walk, asking people to sponser me or participate in the walk. Other than my professors, out of 11 girls, I got $5 from one girl! They can't even use the excuse that they forgot, because I sent out a reminder e mail. I am just soo sick of people who are supposed to be my friends being soo unsupportive. So, I guess I am just venting. I guess I took it too personally, but I am just sick of people not giving a sh--!


New member
I agree with you! I have friends of mine who are very financially set and could give at least $100 but don't do anything...it sucks! I hope there isn't a time in their lives when they need help. Not saying I wouldn't, but itmay come back to bite them!


New member
That's terrible- especially considering you are in a genetics counseling program (if I remember correctly), so they should know about CF and really want to help!


New member
I totally understand how you feel. This year I asked the principal of my old elementary school (I'm in middle school now, but my little sister still attends the school) if he could have a hat day (each kid pays $1 to wear a hat during the school day) and the proceeds could go to my total amount raised. Well, this jerk (and I'm not just saying that, he's a total jerk!) tells my mom, loud and in front of everyone as if to embarass her "No, we can't do a Hat Day." My mom didn't tell me for a week because she didn't want to hurt my feelings. Ugh...I never did like him, even when I did attend the school. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


New member
But on the other hand there are people who care and do give...Last month the Local Kinsmen chapter had a pub crawl minigolf day for Cystic Fibrosis. In order to play you had to collect a minimum of $50 in pledges. I've been able to collect quite a bit every year I've played, but this year I tried to get to $1000. With the help of my friends and co-workers, I collected $1430 in pledges! Granted that's Canadian dollars...but it's still over $1000 in US dollars to! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Richard 31 w/cf<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I know what you mean. Several people that were suppose to walk with us didn't show up today. Where I work (for 11 years) I received over 2000.00 in donations last year. This year I received less than 500.00 - I try not to be disappointed or take it personnally but it is hard not to. Also, my immediate family is very supportive but forget about my aunts/uncles... they didn't show up and thought it would be ok to support us with $$ - not time...


New member
We found this year that the people that really can't afford to give a whole lot were outrageously generous. I couldn't believe it. We did raise over $2,000. We were happy but of course wanted $5,000 for the team. We are already making plans for next year's walk. I think I am going to fill in a calendar ahead of time of things I want to do each month to raise for next year. Like pop cans for one month. A penny drive the next month. Bake sale another month, etc. It's frustrating, but next year the same group of people could surprise you with $25.00 a piece. You can hope!


New member
Yes, usually people who can't afford to give much are the generous ones. I was mostly just upset that people who are supposed to be my friends did not give at all. Overall, my family raised over $4,500 (about $1,500 of that is from my father's business associates.) So, obviously some people are very generous. My aunt who works in a school had a fourth grade class who collected $100 - and they don't even know me! So, who knows!


New member
hey guys
I know how you feel as well, when we first started walking 7 years ago, we had maybe 10-12 of us, friends, family members and some of Kaits friends as well. Well this year my best friend of 25 years didn't walk with us and i am having a fundraiser at Pizza Hut and i needed 6 volunteers to help, she said no that she didn't want to do this, well i also sell home interior candles and for every candle i sell i get $1.25 profit ( for CF ) well i have asked her for 2 years now if she would like to buy a candle .... guess what she does not! But she does buy home interior pictures and candles from another friend of hers...that just does this to benefit herself and to get free stuff. Well i have been very upset about this issue myself but i have promised myself to NEVER ask her to buy a candle or even walk with us . I am not normally like this but we have been like sisters for a long time now and she does not want to support any fundraising things that i do and every time i bring up a new idea for fundraising she has something negative to say. She does come to visit Kait when she is in the hospital and that really blows my mind... OH well,
last year i also asked my daughters principal to have a hat day for CF and she said no, and they do alot of hat days for alot of other benefits, well this year i thought i would try again and she did say yes, i mean there are 2 CFers in that school , i would think that they would do whatever they could to help their students.

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I did something kind of funny..and I decided I didn't care.

At my job, which is a Childrens Hospital mind you, I posted an information sheet about the climb that I was doing. When I did this it was in MN. In MN they had the walk, but they also had the CF climb, which was to climb the tallest building in Minneapolis, it was 50 floors. Let me tell you that will let you know if you are well, in-shape or not. It was what I did annually for CF, and frankly gave me a great gauge to see where I was healthwise from year-to-year.

Well, anyway, I posted the 50 floors, and I didn't hardly get any donations. I recieved some donations from my own department. At this point at my job, I let people know that I had CF. I was employed there 4 years, and I really enjoyed the people at that job.

I was mad, because this is a Childrens Hospital, they work with CF kids EVERY FREAKEN DAY, and docs and nurses have a little extra doe. So, I decided to post the info on the internet, the work email service. I tried at first to compose my own original, but it wouldn't take it because I wasn't authorized to post to the entire hospial. I got little more stubborn, so I replied to a "ALL" email. I created my own title and info. Right away the people that are out of office, the email replies back. I got like a hundred or so of them, I was like....I don't think this was a great idea. I figured I would get into trouble for it, since I just emailed like 5,000 people. Other people had done it for breast CA or whatever, I though whatever I am going to do it with or without authorization.

So....the next week, ohhh....I was called into the departments managers office, which I knew what it was about. Of course, I repled, "oh..I am so sorry, I didn't really realize." They knew I was smarter than that, but they also know that it's my life and a good cause. And if you play dumb once at a job, they can't get you, but twice...that will be a problem. You just get a warning. As the manager told me not to do it again, as of course "I wouldn't," she handed over some money to me. It was very sweet. She had a smile on her face. It was $50 dollars too, that was really nice of her.

My direct sup thought it was kind of funny. She understood, she has MS. She's like Cindy's going to call you in I bet the following week. I ended up getting responese from all sorts of people and I thought see technology is good for something, while being the air-head for once, it was kind of fun. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

To the original poster, I understand, it's annoying and you try not to be angry and look down upon people with haste, but it's hard. The inside voice starts in on a little monlogue with a few bleeps here and there.

Tessa 27 w/cf