discolored teeth


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Do any of you have discolored teeth from taking antibiotics when you were young? Have you found any otc product that whitens effectively? Thanks!


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I don't have a solution for you but I did speak to my daughters pediatric dentist and he says that they have since changed antibiotics for cf kids because of this problem. Too bad they didn't see this earlier. Have you asked your dentist what you can do? Have you tried brushing with baking soda? It doesn't taste very good but it works on non cfers.


New member
Hi,antibiotics which contain tetrazyklins cause the color. The teeth are of the same colour through and through, so the only thing that helps are new teeth!I made my teeth "new" years ago at the dentist, but its quite expensive!Uli,41,from Germany


New member
nothing over the counter will help. youd need a professional bleaching kit or get the laser done, or like uli said, youd have to get veneers.in australia kits are 300, lasering is 50 per tooth and veneers, well, you may as well take out a house loan for those!


New member
Mine aren't that bad. I had the laser whitening don when I was 15, after I got my braces off. I've been using some store-bought stuff and it's working ok, nothing dramatic, but the scars on my teeth are less noticible. Debbie23 w/ CF


New member
braces are terrible for teeth. i had them on twice and ive got the most blotchiest teeth ever. bad thing is, i kinda need braces again. everytime my orthodontist tells me 'you dont need to wear the plate anymore' my teeth would go back to square one! grr. i might try the series of plates to straighten my teeth this time, depending on the cost.


New member
I stopped trying. I tried tooth whitening kits, and tooth whitening toothpastes, and just gave up. My teeth are certainly not canary yellow, but they are in no way white either. I just stopped caring. I just ignore it now.


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Uli is right, I think the antibiotics fuse into the calicuim durning the tooth's development, and therefore bleaching won't help since it's not superficial, but instead part of the tooth.


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If the teeth are yellow, you can make a paste with a couple spoonfuls of baking soda and several drops of hydrogen peroxide and brush with that daily. However, if they're gray from tetracyclenes, it is a permanent discoloration and nothing will help.


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Ive had teeth discoloration all my life. Odd looking tan lines running in the middle of my tooth , light brownish yellowish haze to them in certain areas. My dentist said it was from tetracycline, and there was nothing that takes it away and unfortunately he was right. For my wedding, i got my teeth bonded and it looked pretty good but they only last about 4-7 years. I started to try my own method of "cleaning" and i noticed it has helped brighten my teeth a bit. Then i asked my dentit about it and he said it was fine to do that. I put a big goop of tooth paste on my teeth from left side to right side, and let it sit there for about 5 -10 minutes or however long i can stand it. Then i brush. It really does make a difference, but there is no method to getting rid of the staining inside the tooth itself. I may not have the whitest teeth but after doing what i have been doing, i cetainly have very clean teeth<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> ~ Diane


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Last time I checked...lasering was around $800...it doesnt take very long to do. Only thing...I cant remember how long it is supposed to last. They use laser lights to bleach the teeth. This is in the US too...Dea


New member
My teeth are stained from taking Tetracycline when I was little. I've talked with my dentist and he said the over the counter whitening products won't do a whole lot because the teeth are stained all the way through. He said professional whitening by a dentist for a prolonged time MIGHT make a difference. Another option is to get veneers or caps, which insurance companies usually don't pay for (for whitening either). My teeth are kinda grey, but the way I smile you don't see the line at the top of the teeth. I just never thought it was that big of a deal, something I could live with.Martha 29, CF, CFRD


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I dont remember what it was called but my son Josh had discolored teeth,the dentist painted them??? Theywere pretty white. Skyleen


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Bleaching is best. "Laser" is not worth the $ and does not last. The best store bought solution are CREST White Strips.


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Glad to know i am not the only one with this question. My son is 2 and his teeth have been discolored shortly after they came in. They are mostly discolored up by the gum line. I asked his pulmonologist what he thinks may have caused this, but he said he has never had any of his other patients bring up the concern about discolord teeth. I thought maybe it was from his nebulizer treatment of the pulmozyme. When he does the treatment, he keeps his mouth open the entire time and i wonder if that medicine is what's causing the discoloration. How do you get rid of the discoloration on the teeth of someone so young? Anyone have an idea? Or do i just wait for his permanent teeth to come in?Jodi, mom of Tucker w/CF and 1 on the way w/o CF


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hey all unfortunately most discoloration on teeth from drugs is at the mineral level meaning its deeper than most otc prducts can touch. I was on tertacychline for many many years leaving my teeth almost black and the doctors say my bones are the same. though there is nothing wrong with the enamal or structure itself the mineral deposits left by the drugs are what has caused it.i tried everything that came out when i was younger finally after being told that at thattime the only solution was to "cap them" which would grind down the tooth and place a fake tooth on top. given the tooths srtuctural ability this is highly unescary. the only and best thing on themarket is that called "bonding" the toothwith a synthetic poly venre or that of "fake fronts" using porcelan veneres which are adhered directly to each tooth.i have mine bonded and have for several years now i have a great white smile and willfor years to come. saving money and time with other options. granted they wear and sometimes can come off but if you take care they can last up to 10 years or more as mine havehope this is some help sincerelyJoe G.23 m/wcf


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Hey, Im going to be 22 in two weeks, and I have CF.....and its funny that today I was lookijng at my teeth, always have brushed them consistently and never smoked a ciggarette in my life and they are discolored....real yellowish...strange huh?????<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">