Divorce rate with parents of CF'ers


New member
i am a child that has cf and my parnets are getting a divorce. Is there any info that you guys could give me so that I don't feel as if it's my fault or is it?


New member
It is NOT your fault. As Dr. Phil would say, your parents most likely had issues way before your situation came into the equation. I don't want you to think for a minute that you had anything to do with your parents divorce. My parents had plenty of problems as I was growing up and other than possibly stretching their budget to pay for my medical stuff, I don't think any of their problems had to do with me. It was more due to their own strong wills about other things.
I wish I had some literature for you to read, hopefully someone else will find something for you.
Hang in there through this time & don't be hard on yourself.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
To CFgurl,
Please don't think their divorce is your fault! The thought of you thinking that breaks my heart!!! No matter what the situation is in a family it is NEVER the child's fault! You must focus on your own happiness right now. You are responsible for YOU and THEY are responsible for YOU, Howver You are NOT responsible for them and their divorce!!!! OK?

Take care of yourself!


Marriage is hard sometimes, my wife and I had this conversation the other day. My brother recently got married and we were talking about his marriage and how it will work. My first marriage didn't take, luckily no kids so I counted my losses and walked away. That marriage was a miserable experience. My new marriage is perfect, there is no fighting, considerbale mutual respect and we laugh all of the time. So, I guess I am saying marriage can be like shoes, some fit some don't. As for your children, I too was a product of a divorce. I was worse for wear not from the divorce but from the feud between my parents. If you decide on getting a divorce just make sure to never use your child against one another and never bash the other in front of your child. That is a common issue that I see happen that puts a strain on children.

good luck