do colds turn into infections?


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Misery loves company.

Bacteria thrive when the body is spending all of its resources trying to fight a virus.

If the cold doesn't go away in 10 days, then it's turned into a bacterial infection. Then it's time to demand antibiotics


Super Moderator
I just wanted to say I would call your CF nurse/center too. Let them know your baby has their first cold and get their input. As your child gets older, I think it's a little easier to tell if the cough/cold warrants antibiotics but when they are little, can't talk and you, yourself are learning how to take care of a Cf child, it's a little harder. My daughter is 4 and when she gets a cold/cough, we up her VEST(airway clearance) time, do extra nebs(albuteral) get her in a steamy bath to let the mucus run, do Saline nasal spray up the nose. If Maggie does not have a fever or her cough is not upper airway or chesty sounding, I 'll just keep up with aggressive airway clearance for a while before calling Cf clinic. I can tell she needs antibiotics, when she's looking tired, dark rings around her eyes, coughing that keeps her up at night, her appetite decreases. You WIll get to know how your child responds to colds. Babies airways are so small, so I think it's a very good idea to call the Cf clinic. They may want to do a culture just to make sure the baby isn't culturing anything. i still worry with every virus, cough and cold. But I have seen my daughter get through colds without needing antibiotics, especially before she regularly started culturing staph.


Super Moderator
I just wanted to say I would call your CF nurse/center too. Let them know your baby has their first cold and get their input. As your child gets older, I think it's a little easier to tell if the cough/cold warrants antibiotics but when they are little, can't talk and you, yourself are learning how to take care of a Cf child, it's a little harder. My daughter is 4 and when she gets a cold/cough, we up her VEST(airway clearance) time, do extra nebs(albuteral) get her in a steamy bath to let the mucus run, do Saline nasal spray up the nose. If Maggie does not have a fever or her cough is not upper airway or chesty sounding, I 'll just keep up with aggressive airway clearance for a while before calling Cf clinic. I can tell she needs antibiotics, when she's looking tired, dark rings around her eyes, coughing that keeps her up at night, her appetite decreases. You WIll get to know how your child responds to colds. Babies airways are so small, so I think it's a very good idea to call the Cf clinic. They may want to do a culture just to make sure the baby isn't culturing anything. i still worry with every virus, cough and cold. But I have seen my daughter get through colds without needing antibiotics, especially before she regularly started culturing staph.


Super Moderator
I just wanted to say I would call your CF nurse/center too. Let them know your baby has their first cold and get their input. As your child gets older, I think it's a little easier to tell if the cough/cold warrants antibiotics but when they are little, can't talk and you, yourself are learning how to take care of a Cf child, it's a little harder. My daughter is 4 and when she gets a cold/cough, we up her VEST(airway clearance) time, do extra nebs(albuteral) get her in a steamy bath to let the mucus run, do Saline nasal spray up the nose. If Maggie does not have a fever or her cough is not upper airway or chesty sounding, I 'll just keep up with aggressive airway clearance for a while before calling Cf clinic. I can tell she needs antibiotics, when she's looking tired, dark rings around her eyes, coughing that keeps her up at night, her appetite decreases. You WIll get to know how your child responds to colds. Babies airways are so small, so I think it's a very good idea to call the Cf clinic. They may want to do a culture just to make sure the baby isn't culturing anything. i still worry with every virus, cough and cold. But I have seen my daughter get through colds without needing antibiotics, especially before she regularly started culturing staph.


It is hard at that age to know when you should be concerened about a cold. I would say my kids get about 4 colds a year. They need to be on antibotics about once a year when I think to myself there is no way they will get over this cold on their own and they need something to prevent it from getting worse. They both have had pneumonia once when they were around 3 or 4 months old. I knew they needed to see their cf dr when the skin around their necks and ribs sucked in. These are called retractions and they were easy to see on a baby that little. Make sure you are doing albuterol (by nebulizer) and cpt at least 3 times a day. That should help your little one get over it. Also, if you do get concerned that the cough is really bad and you need to bring them in to get checked, make sure that your baby gets an x-ray. They almost sent my son home saying his lungs sounded good, but the x-ray told a different story.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 5 and Jack, 3 both with cf


It is hard at that age to know when you should be concerened about a cold. I would say my kids get about 4 colds a year. They need to be on antibotics about once a year when I think to myself there is no way they will get over this cold on their own and they need something to prevent it from getting worse. They both have had pneumonia once when they were around 3 or 4 months old. I knew they needed to see their cf dr when the skin around their necks and ribs sucked in. These are called retractions and they were easy to see on a baby that little. Make sure you are doing albuterol (by nebulizer) and cpt at least 3 times a day. That should help your little one get over it. Also, if you do get concerned that the cough is really bad and you need to bring them in to get checked, make sure that your baby gets an x-ray. They almost sent my son home saying his lungs sounded good, but the x-ray told a different story.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 5 and Jack, 3 both with cf


It is hard at that age to know when you should be concerened about a cold. I would say my kids get about 4 colds a year. They need to be on antibotics about once a year when I think to myself there is no way they will get over this cold on their own and they need something to prevent it from getting worse. They both have had pneumonia once when they were around 3 or 4 months old. I knew they needed to see their cf dr when the skin around their necks and ribs sucked in. These are called retractions and they were easy to see on a baby that little. Make sure you are doing albuterol (by nebulizer) and cpt at least 3 times a day. That should help your little one get over it. Also, if you do get concerned that the cough is really bad and you need to bring them in to get checked, make sure that your baby gets an x-ray. They almost sent my son home saying his lungs sounded good, but the x-ray told a different story.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 5 and Jack, 3 both with cf