Do Doctors think your worse than you are??

i totally agree with you dude. but dont you ever just think about livin a normal life or some days actually live a normal life. nd ur totally right we do need to face the harsh reality... nd u know what when i face it i hate it more nd more nd i get these feelings that i can never explain and i sit there and ask WHY ME ??? or why does anyone ever have to be sick nd face the harshnes of all of it.. i dont know and i guess i never will


New member
yeah i do i feel exactly the way you do.I look at others and think
to myself you lot are so lucky to have your health.The crap we have
to do daily to maintain our health is a big disadvantage to have to
face in life.But thats the way life is some poeple have to suffer
more than others its the way the cookie crumbles.


New member
yeah i do i feel exactly the way you do.I look at others and think
to myself you lot are so lucky to have your health.The crap we have
to do daily to maintain our health is a big disadvantage to have to
face in life.But thats the way life is some poeple have to suffer
more than others its the way the cookie crumbles.


New member
yeah i do i feel exactly the way you do.I look at others and think
to myself you lot are so lucky to have your health.The crap we have
to do daily to maintain our health is a big disadvantage to have to
face in life.But thats the way life is some poeple have to suffer
more than others its the way the cookie crumbles.


New member
dude, i do not agree with you at all. i live a totally normal life
and although i know i have this illness and i accept it, why would
i let it drag me down and wallow away in self-pitty?so i have this what?? i'm not gonna let it stop me from persuing my
goals and dreams. I Love my life and I live it normally, cause i am


New member
dude, i do not agree with you at all. i live a totally normal life
and although i know i have this illness and i accept it, why would
i let it drag me down and wallow away in self-pitty?so i have this what?? i'm not gonna let it stop me from persuing my
goals and dreams. I Love my life and I live it normally, cause i am


New member
dude, i do not agree with you at all. i live a totally normal life
and although i know i have this illness and i accept it, why would
i let it drag me down and wallow away in self-pitty?so i have this what?? i'm not gonna let it stop me from persuing my
goals and dreams. I Love my life and I live it normally, cause i am


New member
Dude I use think the same way. Heck I've was diagnosed just 3 years
ago and I'm 20 right now. I'm in good health despite what's been
handed to me by life. I hardly took treatments and took my meds
cause after living 17 years of a normal life, it was easy to deny
having a serious, and degrading illness. Then one day I
woke up and realized life is short, and especially so for me. I
have since then made it a point to not only live my life to it's
fullest, but also to try and make it as long as possible. While i
do for see myself living to about 50-55...i can never predict what
will happen to myself in the future.


New member
Dude I use think the same way. Heck I've was diagnosed just 3 years
ago and I'm 20 right now. I'm in good health despite what's been
handed to me by life. I hardly took treatments and took my meds
cause after living 17 years of a normal life, it was easy to deny
having a serious, and degrading illness. Then one day I
woke up and realized life is short, and especially so for me. I
have since then made it a point to not only live my life to it's
fullest, but also to try and make it as long as possible. While i
do for see myself living to about 50-55...i can never predict what
will happen to myself in the future.


New member
Dude I use think the same way. Heck I've was diagnosed just 3 years
ago and I'm 20 right now. I'm in good health despite what's been
handed to me by life. I hardly took treatments and took my meds
cause after living 17 years of a normal life, it was easy to deny
having a serious, and degrading illness. Then one day I
woke up and realized life is short, and especially so for me. I
have since then made it a point to not only live my life to it's
fullest, but also to try and make it as long as possible. While i
do for see myself living to about 50-55...i can never predict what
will happen to myself in the future.


New member
well you 2 are lucky in that you have come from a stable family
background with no other problems.Put it in perspective my freind
with cf has  been in care all his life.He is 17 has cf and his
dad left him at 3 and his mum is a alcholic.He was put in care and
his been there all his life.This has emotionally affected him and
added to this he suffers from hyper active disorder .He has been
suspended from several schools.Now put youreslf in his shoes and
iam sure you would not be coming out with such positive rosy


New member
well you 2 are lucky in that you have come from a stable family
background with no other problems.Put it in perspective my freind
with cf has  been in care all his life.He is 17 has cf and his
dad left him at 3 and his mum is a alcholic.He was put in care and
his been there all his life.This has emotionally affected him and
added to this he suffers from hyper active disorder .He has been
suspended from several schools.Now put youreslf in his shoes and
iam sure you would not be coming out with such positive rosy


New member
well you 2 are lucky in that you have come from a stable family
background with no other problems.Put it in perspective my freind
with cf has  been in care all his life.He is 17 has cf and his
dad left him at 3 and his mum is a alcholic.He was put in care and
his been there all his life.This has emotionally affected him and
added to this he suffers from hyper active disorder .He has been
suspended from several schools.Now put youreslf in his shoes and
iam sure you would not be coming out with such positive rosy


New member
your friend had a tough up bringing, but instead of it dragging him
down and ruining his life, it should make him stronger...i can put
myself in his shoes, for the most part i've been there done that.
my parents had a brutal divorce i started doing drugs and got
kicked out of two high school and i have add, but now i use those
experiences to make me a better, stronger person. you and your
friend need to be positive, cf and all the other misers of life
shouldn't take over, its the good things in life you should focus


New member
your friend had a tough up bringing, but instead of it dragging him
down and ruining his life, it should make him stronger...i can put
myself in his shoes, for the most part i've been there done that.
my parents had a brutal divorce i started doing drugs and got
kicked out of two high school and i have add, but now i use those
experiences to make me a better, stronger person. you and your
friend need to be positive, cf and all the other misers of life
shouldn't take over, its the good things in life you should focus


New member
your friend had a tough up bringing, but instead of it dragging him
down and ruining his life, it should make him stronger...i can put
myself in his shoes, for the most part i've been there done that.
my parents had a brutal divorce i started doing drugs and got
kicked out of two high school and i have add, but now i use those
experiences to make me a better, stronger person. you and your
friend need to be positive, cf and all the other misers of life
shouldn't take over, its the good things in life you should focus


New member
completly agree fly free.But to be affected on 2 fronts mentally
and physically is incredibely tough.Having cf and a personalty
disorder is hard and it does affect you whether you like or not


New member
completly agree fly free.But to be affected on 2 fronts mentally
and physically is incredibely tough.Having cf and a personalty
disorder is hard and it does affect you whether you like or not


New member
completly agree fly free.But to be affected on 2 fronts mentally
and physically is incredibely tough.Having cf and a personalty
disorder is hard and it does affect you whether you like or not