Do I have the only child that screams the entire time at Clinic?


New member
Hi there,

I haven't brought this up before, but I'm afraid it's getting worse. My son screams his head off from the moment he sees the parking lot of the hospital. He doesn't stop until we drive away. I still put him in his stroller that way I don't have to chase him as he tries to escape as we walk to the elevators. As we walk through the hospital different receptionist hand him books/stickers and just screams "All Done". When we get into his room to wait for the team this continues. Sometimes he works himself up so badly that he vomits. The team has brought in a nice woman with toys and that helps some what for a few minutes than another "Scary" person with a mask/gown/gloves comes in.

He now acts the same way at the pediatricians office. It's so bad that he starts as soon as we hit the check in desk. Everyone in the building looks out their doors. I quietly explain "I'm sorry we go to the doctors allot". I haven't showed any signs of weakness but at his three year visit. I teared up. I just wanted to scream and run out and never take him back. I know I can't do this but Gosh it sounds good!

His pediatrician mentioned "Autism" because Johnny just screams and freaks out. I had him evaluated at Birth to three over the summer. They didn't see any of his "freaking" out because all their testing was not done in a hospital setting. It breaks my heart. I can't even walk my son into Lens Crafters with out a panic attack. I know he has a bad case of White Coat Syndrome. I'm glad that he is in PreSchool that way I have other perfessionals that get to see my son the way the rest of the world sees him. He hasn't cried or screamed once since starting his new preschool. I have a teacher parent conference next week. I'm hoping that I could have them talk to his CF team. I try and explain at doctors appointments that my son doesn't act normally like this. I tell them he is simply afraid.

Johnny has had two years of Synagis shots/ plus flu/H191 shots last year/ all the damn blood draws/throat cultures/ plus going in for monthly ear cleanings....When they hold him down and squirt hot water in his ears. I think that be enough for any person any age to HATE doctors. I know it sounds like I'm making excuses for my son. But, I understand why he freaks out. He doesn't have the years or words to express what he if feeling so he goes into panic mode.

Any tips would be great. I have already stopped the monthly ear cleanings. Trying to space out the pedestrians office. I do blood draws on different days than clinics, so he doesn't associate them together. Just recently they stopped having me take all his clothes off and putting him on the baby scale at clinic. He also doesn't have to get stretched out on that board anymore to measure him. He just stands on the wall. That helps allot. Can't stop the throat cultures. Thanks so much!


Mommy to Johnny 3 w/cf....Bailey 1 years old Yesterday no/cf


New member
Hi there,

I haven't brought this up before, but I'm afraid it's getting worse. My son screams his head off from the moment he sees the parking lot of the hospital. He doesn't stop until we drive away. I still put him in his stroller that way I don't have to chase him as he tries to escape as we walk to the elevators. As we walk through the hospital different receptionist hand him books/stickers and just screams "All Done". When we get into his room to wait for the team this continues. Sometimes he works himself up so badly that he vomits. The team has brought in a nice woman with toys and that helps some what for a few minutes than another "Scary" person with a mask/gown/gloves comes in.

He now acts the same way at the pediatricians office. It's so bad that he starts as soon as we hit the check in desk. Everyone in the building looks out their doors. I quietly explain "I'm sorry we go to the doctors allot". I haven't showed any signs of weakness but at his three year visit. I teared up. I just wanted to scream and run out and never take him back. I know I can't do this but Gosh it sounds good!

His pediatrician mentioned "Autism" because Johnny just screams and freaks out. I had him evaluated at Birth to three over the summer. They didn't see any of his "freaking" out because all their testing was not done in a hospital setting. It breaks my heart. I can't even walk my son into Lens Crafters with out a panic attack. I know he has a bad case of White Coat Syndrome. I'm glad that he is in PreSchool that way I have other perfessionals that get to see my son the way the rest of the world sees him. He hasn't cried or screamed once since starting his new preschool. I have a teacher parent conference next week. I'm hoping that I could have them talk to his CF team. I try and explain at doctors appointments that my son doesn't act normally like this. I tell them he is simply afraid.

Johnny has had two years of Synagis shots/ plus flu/H191 shots last year/ all the damn blood draws/throat cultures/ plus going in for monthly ear cleanings....When they hold him down and squirt hot water in his ears. I think that be enough for any person any age to HATE doctors. I know it sounds like I'm making excuses for my son. But, I understand why he freaks out. He doesn't have the years or words to express what he if feeling so he goes into panic mode.

Any tips would be great. I have already stopped the monthly ear cleanings. Trying to space out the pedestrians office. I do blood draws on different days than clinics, so he doesn't associate them together. Just recently they stopped having me take all his clothes off and putting him on the baby scale at clinic. He also doesn't have to get stretched out on that board anymore to measure him. He just stands on the wall. That helps allot. Can't stop the throat cultures. Thanks so much!


Mommy to Johnny 3 w/cf....Bailey 1 years old Yesterday no/cf


New member
Hi there,
<br />
<br />I haven't brought this up before, but I'm afraid it's getting worse. My son screams his head off from the moment he sees the parking lot of the hospital. He doesn't stop until we drive away. I still put him in his stroller that way I don't have to chase him as he tries to escape as we walk to the elevators. As we walk through the hospital different receptionist hand him books/stickers and just screams "All Done". When we get into his room to wait for the team this continues. Sometimes he works himself up so badly that he vomits. The team has brought in a nice woman with toys and that helps some what for a few minutes than another "Scary" person with a mask/gown/gloves comes in.
<br />
<br />He now acts the same way at the pediatricians office. It's so bad that he starts as soon as we hit the check in desk. Everyone in the building looks out their doors. I quietly explain "I'm sorry we go to the doctors allot". I haven't showed any signs of weakness but at his three year visit. I teared up. I just wanted to scream and run out and never take him back. I know I can't do this but Gosh it sounds good!
<br />
<br />His pediatrician mentioned "Autism" because Johnny just screams and freaks out. I had him evaluated at Birth to three over the summer. They didn't see any of his "freaking" out because all their testing was not done in a hospital setting. It breaks my heart. I can't even walk my son into Lens Crafters with out a panic attack. I know he has a bad case of White Coat Syndrome. I'm glad that he is in PreSchool that way I have other perfessionals that get to see my son the way the rest of the world sees him. He hasn't cried or screamed once since starting his new preschool. I have a teacher parent conference next week. I'm hoping that I could have them talk to his CF team. I try and explain at doctors appointments that my son doesn't act normally like this. I tell them he is simply afraid.
<br />
<br />Johnny has had two years of Synagis shots/ plus flu/H191 shots last year/ all the damn blood draws/throat cultures/ plus going in for monthly ear cleanings....When they hold him down and squirt hot water in his ears. I think that be enough for any person any age to HATE doctors. I know it sounds like I'm making excuses for my son. But, I understand why he freaks out. He doesn't have the years or words to express what he if feeling so he goes into panic mode.
<br />
<br />Any tips would be great. I have already stopped the monthly ear cleanings. Trying to space out the pedestrians office. I do blood draws on different days than clinics, so he doesn't associate them together. Just recently they stopped having me take all his clothes off and putting him on the baby scale at clinic. He also doesn't have to get stretched out on that board anymore to measure him. He just stands on the wall. That helps allot. Can't stop the throat cultures. Thanks so much!
<br />
<br />Sarah
<br />
<br />Mommy to Johnny 3 w/cf....Bailey 1 years old Yesterday no/cf


New member
My 3 year old freaks out the moment we walk down the hall to the room.. Won't cooperate for anything.. Just cries and screams.. We've bought him Doctor equipment for role play and he does great at home.. We thought he would be over this by now but he's not.. He is just scared.. And to be honest I wouldn't like it either. Don't have any advice for you, sorry. But you aren't alone. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
My 3 year old freaks out the moment we walk down the hall to the room.. Won't cooperate for anything.. Just cries and screams.. We've bought him Doctor equipment for role play and he does great at home.. We thought he would be over this by now but he's not.. He is just scared.. And to be honest I wouldn't like it either. Don't have any advice for you, sorry. But you aren't alone. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
My 3 year old freaks out the moment we walk down the hall to the room.. Won't cooperate for anything.. Just cries and screams.. We've bought him Doctor equipment for role play and he does great at home.. We thought he would be over this by now but he's not.. He is just scared.. And to be honest I wouldn't like it either. Don't have any advice for you, sorry. But you aren't alone. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
You are definitley not alone! My son starts the minute the exam room door closes. He's a little better if his sister comes along. I think last winter was worst because of the RSV injections. His pediatricians & family doctor try not to do procedures to him. They have the nurses give needles in other rooms. We have a special team member that addresses issues like this. I think I'll be talking to her this winter once we have to visit once a month for RSV season.

THings that help are... treats (yes I bribe with food)
New toys
bring new people with us (ie.gramma)
park in different places
enter thru different doors

Hang in there! You are not alone!


New member
You are definitley not alone! My son starts the minute the exam room door closes. He's a little better if his sister comes along. I think last winter was worst because of the RSV injections. His pediatricians & family doctor try not to do procedures to him. They have the nurses give needles in other rooms. We have a special team member that addresses issues like this. I think I'll be talking to her this winter once we have to visit once a month for RSV season.

THings that help are... treats (yes I bribe with food)
New toys
bring new people with us (ie.gramma)
park in different places
enter thru different doors

Hang in there! You are not alone!


New member
You are definitley not alone! My son starts the minute the exam room door closes. He's a little better if his sister comes along. I think last winter was worst because of the RSV injections. His pediatricians & family doctor try not to do procedures to him. They have the nurses give needles in other rooms. We have a special team member that addresses issues like this. I think I'll be talking to her this winter once we have to visit once a month for RSV season.
<br />
<br />THings that help are... treats (yes I bribe with food)
<br /> New toys
<br /> bring new people with us (ie.gramma)
<br /> park in different places
<br /> enter thru different doors
<br />
<br />
<br />Hang in there! You are not alone!


Staff member
Fortunately DS seems to like going to the dentist, clinic... His only issue has to do with labs or shots. And we resort to bribery. He gets to pick out a toy at Target.

He does get a little stressed out when he has appointments and asks me several times if he's going to get a shot despite my reassurances otherwise.


Staff member
Fortunately DS seems to like going to the dentist, clinic... His only issue has to do with labs or shots. And we resort to bribery. He gets to pick out a toy at Target.

He does get a little stressed out when he has appointments and asks me several times if he's going to get a shot despite my reassurances otherwise.


Staff member
Fortunately DS seems to like going to the dentist, clinic... His only issue has to do with labs or shots. And we resort to bribery. He gets to pick out a toy at Target.
<br />
<br />He does get a little stressed out when he has appointments and asks me several times if he's going to get a shot despite my reassurances otherwise.


New member
boy it doesnt seem like that long ago that i posted the same thread!!!! my daughter goes berzerk in parking garages, most offices of any type and around white coats! i will say this is getting better because we had a few "non-threatening" appointments with her pediatrician where we scheduled her to just come in and be in the room (no even on the table) while i just talked to her doc for a minute and this has seemed to help tremendously!! before this i couldnt even take her to my insurance company to pay the bill because she became so out of control when she would se the "desks, windows, chairs, etc...". if your pediatrician is understanding, maybe try scheduling a few 5 min trips (we always use the "back door" so we dont sit in the waiting room with sick kids) in and out where they dont even touch him the first couple times...but they are there, going and talking to mommy. hope this...the cf clinic is still a big struggle for us, i have to physically hold her down for throat cultures, blood pressure, etc.... but i hope maybe this suggestion can help...and know youre not alone. (((hugs))) ricki


New member
boy it doesnt seem like that long ago that i posted the same thread!!!! my daughter goes berzerk in parking garages, most offices of any type and around white coats! i will say this is getting better because we had a few "non-threatening" appointments with her pediatrician where we scheduled her to just come in and be in the room (no even on the table) while i just talked to her doc for a minute and this has seemed to help tremendously!! before this i couldnt even take her to my insurance company to pay the bill because she became so out of control when she would se the "desks, windows, chairs, etc...". if your pediatrician is understanding, maybe try scheduling a few 5 min trips (we always use the "back door" so we dont sit in the waiting room with sick kids) in and out where they dont even touch him the first couple times...but they are there, going and talking to mommy. hope this...the cf clinic is still a big struggle for us, i have to physically hold her down for throat cultures, blood pressure, etc.... but i hope maybe this suggestion can help...and know youre not alone. (((hugs))) ricki


New member
boy it doesnt seem like that long ago that i posted the same thread!!!! my daughter goes berzerk in parking garages, most offices of any type and around white coats! i will say this is getting better because we had a few "non-threatening" appointments with her pediatrician where we scheduled her to just come in and be in the room (no even on the table) while i just talked to her doc for a minute and this has seemed to help tremendously!! before this i couldnt even take her to my insurance company to pay the bill because she became so out of control when she would se the "desks, windows, chairs, etc...". if your pediatrician is understanding, maybe try scheduling a few 5 min trips (we always use the "back door" so we dont sit in the waiting room with sick kids) in and out where they dont even touch him the first couple times...but they are there, going and talking to mommy. hope this...the cf clinic is still a big struggle for us, i have to physically hold her down for throat cultures, blood pressure, etc.... but i hope maybe this suggestion can help...and know youre not alone. (((hugs))) ricki


New member
My DD is 7 and she is OK going to doctor's offices but she freaks out about any medical procedure. I can't even trim her toenails without her freaking out. Last time she was in the hospital, four people had to hold her down to get an IV into her. She was screaming the whole time "Mommy, help me!" Boy, that sure made me want to break down and cry. It's so horrible that we have to put them through all this. I wish I had some advice for you. I wish I had some for myself.


New member
My DD is 7 and she is OK going to doctor's offices but she freaks out about any medical procedure. I can't even trim her toenails without her freaking out. Last time she was in the hospital, four people had to hold her down to get an IV into her. She was screaming the whole time "Mommy, help me!" Boy, that sure made me want to break down and cry. It's so horrible that we have to put them through all this. I wish I had some advice for you. I wish I had some for myself.


New member
My DD is 7 and she is OK going to doctor's offices but she freaks out about any medical procedure. I can't even trim her toenails without her freaking out. Last time she was in the hospital, four people had to hold her down to get an IV into her. She was screaming the whole time "Mommy, help me!" Boy, that sure made me want to break down and cry. It's so horrible that we have to put them through all this. I wish I had some advice for you. I wish I had some for myself.


New member
Just wondering if any of the hospitals you go to have Child Life personnel? I know they use them for children who are inpatient. They might be a good resource even if they can't directly work with the child.


New member
Just wondering if any of the hospitals you go to have Child Life personnel? I know they use them for children who are inpatient. They might be a good resource even if they can't directly work with the child.