Do you ever get jealous?


New member
yeah, kinda amazing that just happened to me, so my life has been good lately.
Thanks for the encouragement!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">
I guess what always bothered me the most is that my friends never had to worry about things like insurance. It just didn't register with them because it wasn't that big of a deal. Other than that I tried to never let CF get in the way of my future. I knew that I could still find happiness. Yes, there were times when I wondered if anyone would want to marry me knowing that I could die young. When I started dating my now husband. I kept giving him outs saying it was okay if he didn't want to be with me but he just kept sticking around. He is such an amazing person. My brother who has CF has also found an amazing wife. There are amazing people out there who will love you for you and because of your CF which has made you who you are. I have a beautiful baby girl and my brother has beautiful twin boys. I feel that we are very blessed. I still have many hopes and endeavors for the future. I feel these are the things that keep me living and loving every moment. When I was in High School I never thought that I wouldn't be able to do what my peers were doing and I am glad that I didn't. I feel that would have only held me back. I now have my bachelors degree in Psychology and have many wonderful college experiences. Good luck with everything. I too believe that HE has a plan for all of us and Iknow that He is always with us if we let Him in.

Emilee with 2 Es


New member
Let me just put in my two did not state your name so i will be as general as possible..I believe that if a guy or girl really falls inlove with you it does not matter what you have. My friend passed away a year ago this october, and she was with the same guy for a year and nine days before she passed on, and when they first met she told him hey i have this disease, it's called cystic fibrosis, and he said oh well i love you and that is all that matters to me. He was there for her everytime she went into the hospital and for all of her sergerys from that point on. When you find the one you will know and he/or she will not give a care when you have. My friend's boyfriend was there with her for 3 days straight whiel she was in ICU. On the morning of the 3rd day is when she passed and he had to go home to be alone. What im trying to say is WHEN you find that one you will know because he/or she will be there no matter what and he/or she will love you no matter what, your disease will NOT stop his love for you. Or her love for you.

In Loving memorie of Nichelle


New member
Actually he just recently decided to ignore me, I tried talking with him , just being normal friends but nope! So, yeah back to normal! Well maybe some day there will be someone for me. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Sometimes I feel like that but then there is also the good thing where we have a chance to find ourselves cause we spend all that time in the hosital where we can find us and just think about everthing and not be going, going ,going all the time cause we would have that time away. But see I guess I am diffrent cause most of all thoughs kids in my class have found themselves but I am still searching and looking so I always go to school dressed funky and my own way. See I dont go to school in the trend I go in a cute way which is my own way. So I think that I get jelouse and Embarrised cause my friends are going thru puberty and I am not yet so yeah I do but then look at the advantages you are thin and you can keep it off easy and not gain anything after eating like for woppers at Burger King. And then they have to work at it so thoughs are what I look at.


New member
Sure you could think of it like that but if you take good care of yurself you shouldn't have to worry about it! I always try to think of whats gonna happen in the future. If I made it this far who knows how much longer u will go especially with all the treatments and meds they have these days...Before we know it there could be a cure!!!
Sweetie if a guy really loves you he will not care if you have CF or not.....Let me tell you a shot story.....

My friend who just passed away was with her boyfriend for 1 year 9days. They had plans to get married and adopt and all that. Now when he first met her it took her like 2 weeks i think to tell him that she has CF when she did and he understood what it was he said i do not care i like you and think you are beautiful, so i want to date you and we will see where life takes us. He was there for her everytime she went to the hospital, everytime she had to do something he was there for her, he was by her side for the three days she was in ICU comotosed (she could here us and respond, not verbally but face expresessions ect.) here was there for her till the moment she died.

I just thought this story though a little sad may help you realize that no matter what if a guy truly is a MAN and likes you for you he will get over the fact that you have this disease and love you for just who you are.

Hope this helps a bit <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I wish i could help. Everyone deals with things differently. just PM me if ya wanna chat.

If you need encouragement, feel free to go to a website I'm busy making (not finished yet), which shows some people who have overcome their problems to be the best they can.