Do you feel blessed to have CF to a degree?



It's strange to find myself saying this, but I do agree with you. Of course, if I could choose, I would most certainly choose a life without CF, but in many ways, I am thankful for the person that it has made me. Over the years, I have learned not to take anything in my life for granted. I have lived inside hospital rooms for weeks at a time, I have known what it's been like to kiss my mom and dad before being wheeled into an operation room, and I have seen children that cannot breathe, or walk, or eat, or speak for themselves. All of this has given me a very unique perspective on life. I am truly grateful for all that I have and for all that I am able to do. I love so much more deeply knowing that one day I may not be around to love any more. I am much more compassionate for other people and I always try to understand their personal situation and their troubles, because I know from experience that oftentimes we judge and are judged based only on outward appearrances. Most importantly, I think, I have met so many beautiful people: doctors, nurses, patients, parents of children with CF, brave men and women who have raised awareness and made a difference, and I see in each of them the person that I want to be. I aspire to be like them, and I try my hardest to stay strong. For those reasons, I am thankful for my CF.<img title="Smile" src="include/wysiwyg/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-smile.gif" alt="Smile" border="0" />


It's strange to find myself saying this, but I do agree with you. Of course, if I could choose, I would most certainly choose a life without CF, but in many ways, I am thankful for the person that it has made me. Over the years, I have learned not to take anything in my life for granted. I have lived inside hospital rooms for weeks at a time, I have known what it's been like to kiss my mom and dad before being wheeled into an operation room, and I have seen children that cannot breathe, or walk, or eat, or speak for themselves. All of this has given me a very unique perspective on life. I am truly grateful for all that I have and for all that I am able to do. I love so much more deeply knowing that one day I may not be around to love any more. I am much more compassionate for other people and I always try to understand their personal situation and their troubles, because I know from experience that oftentimes we judge and are judged based only on outward appearrances. Most importantly, I think, I have met so many beautiful people: doctors, nurses, patients, parents of children with CF, brave men and women who have raised awareness and made a difference, and I see in each of them the person that I want to be. I aspire to be like them, and I try my hardest to stay strong. For those reasons, I am thankful for my CF.<img title="Smile" src="include/wysiwyg/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-smile.gif" alt="Smile" border="0" />


No way do I feel "blessed" for having CF.

However, I do feel blessed that so much progress has and is being made to treat the disease. Thank G-d there are so many are good doctors, effective drugs, and an army of helpful people helping us.

70 years old; FEV 1 of 48% - but feel great.


No way do I feel "blessed" for having CF.

However, I do feel blessed that so much progress has and is being made to treat the disease. Thank G-d there are so many are good doctors, effective drugs, and an army of helpful people helping us.

70 years old; FEV 1 of 48% - but feel great.


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CFRacer</b></i> I know some of you may beat me up because of this but here is my reasoning. Okay I was born pre-mature at 3 months early, diognosed at in May or so and have been doing all I can to keep myself healthy. As I have grown to currently an almost 17 year old young man, I feel blessed to actually have CF despite the ill effects. With my CF I have appreciated life more even at a young age, andI have been good friends who suffer from paralysis or have Ceriable Palsey. I am more accepting toward people with disability or illness because I go through some of the same problems as they do. I also am more appreciative of my health and don't want to do drugs or drink, because it could damage my health a lot. Everyday I wake up and am thankful and appreciative of each and everyday. Now I don't know how you folks feel personally and I don't want to offend anyone but that is my own personality. I don't flaunt having CF or anything, but I realize if I didn't have CF and the way I have been raised,I know my life would be much different.</end quote>

Was it your intention to make a grown man cry? <img title="Cry" src="include/wysiwyg/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-cry.gif" alt="Cry" border="0" />You my friend are a true inspiration to not only those that suffer from CF but also to parents with kids with CF. You remind me of my sister n law. My wifes sister did pass from CF at the age of 27, she was not diagnosed til she was 10 years of age, but she had very much the attitude you have now. There was not a day that went by that she was not thankful to be alive. She was an ispiration to those around her and her laughter was contagious.
My son, who is 15, does have down days. He does tell me "why me" but on January 1st, 2012 he decided to change his life and he gave himself over to being baptised. He gave a small speech before he was "dunked". He said similar to you "I feel that in a way I am blessed to have CF and he is very blessed that he doesn't have it as bad as others". I do wish that he had your positive outlook on life a little more. You sound like a really good person and I can tell from just your post that you are a sincere person.You have really made my day with your post here. I have booked marked it and will show my wife and son later, to make their day just a bit better as well.
Btw, I don't think anyone here would ever hold it against you or "beat you up" with your beliefs. Faith is something that everyone needs. No matter what religion you are, if you don't have faith you have nothing.


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CFRacer</b></i> I know some of you may beat me up because of this but here is my reasoning. Okay I was born pre-mature at 3 months early, diognosed at in May or so and have been doing all I can to keep myself healthy. As I have grown to currently an almost 17 year old young man, I feel blessed to actually have CF despite the ill effects. With my CF I have appreciated life more even at a young age, andI have been good friends who suffer from paralysis or have Ceriable Palsey. I am more accepting toward people with disability or illness because I go through some of the same problems as they do. I also am more appreciative of my health and don't want to do drugs or drink, because it could damage my health a lot. Everyday I wake up and am thankful and appreciative of each and everyday. Now I don't know how you folks feel personally and I don't want to offend anyone but that is my own personality. I don't flaunt having CF or anything, but I realize if I didn't have CF and the way I have been raised,I know my life would be much different.</end quote>

Was it your intention to make a grown man cry? <img title="Cry" src="include/wysiwyg/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-cry.gif" alt="Cry" border="0" />You my friend are a true inspiration to not only those that suffer from CF but also to parents with kids with CF. You remind me of my sister n law. My wifes sister did pass from CF at the age of 27, she was not diagnosed til she was 10 years of age, but she had very much the attitude you have now. There was not a day that went by that she was not thankful to be alive. She was an ispiration to those around her and her laughter was contagious.
My son, who is 15, does have down days. He does tell me "why me" but on January 1st, 2012 he decided to change his life and he gave himself over to being baptised. He gave a small speech before he was "dunked". He said similar to you "I feel that in a way I am blessed to have CF and he is very blessed that he doesn't have it as bad as others". I do wish that he had your positive outlook on life a little more. You sound like a really good person and I can tell from just your post that you are a sincere person.You have really made my day with your post here. I have booked marked it and will show my wife and son later, to make their day just a bit better as well.
Btw, I don't think anyone here would ever hold it against you or "beat you up" with your beliefs. Faith is something that everyone needs. No matter what religion you are, if you don't have faith you have nothing.


New member
I would agree with you. In some ways I do feel like I am because I know how important life and health can be and I've always known that. I feel like I appreciate things more than some other people my age and I've been living life to the fullest and not waiting to do the things in life that I want to do. Bottom line is that no one in this world is guaranteed anything so everyone should be living life this way but a lot of people don't because they don't have the same appreciation. There is always someone who is way worse off than you and it's all about perspective. Does it frustrate me and get me down when treatments aren't working or I get sick, yeah of course but you just keep on with your treatments and look forward to the future.


New member
I would agree with you. In some ways I do feel like I am because I know how important life and health can be and I've always known that. I feel like I appreciate things more than some other people my age and I've been living life to the fullest and not waiting to do the things in life that I want to do. Bottom line is that no one in this world is guaranteed anything so everyone should be living life this way but a lot of people don't because they don't have the same appreciation. There is always someone who is way worse off than you and it's all about perspective. Does it frustrate me and get me down when treatments aren't working or I get sick, yeah of course but you just keep on with your treatments and look forward to the future.