do you have medicare and are on trikafta?


What insurance plans are you on that cover trikafta while on Medicare? Or did you give up Medicare to take a separate policy?


I am on Medicare A&B with Anthem Medicare Supplement and Part D Pharmacy plan with CVS Caremark. I get Trikafta though Accredo. I also have Co Pay Assistance through The Assistance Fund.
Diagnosed at Age 64. Born May 1946. df508/r117h


I am on Medicare A&B with Anthem Medicare Supplement and Part D Pharmacy plan with CVS Caremark. I get Trikafta though Accredo. I also have Co Pay Assistance through The Assistance Fund.
Diagnosed at Age 64. Born May 1946. df508/r117h
bharison, I am signing up for Medicare soon. May I ask were you able to get assistance through the copay assistance fund? Which one did you use? Did you have to qualify by making a certain cut off per year? What is your monthly copay for Trikafta? I would greatly apprecaite you helping me as this is weighing heavily on my mind.


Super Moderator
bharison, I am signing up for Medicare soon. May I ask were you able to get assistance through the copay assistance fund? Which one did you use? Did you have to qualify by making a certain cut off per year? What is your monthly copay for Trikafta? I would greatly apprecaite you helping me as this is weighing heavily on my mind.
There is an income limit! Also some co-pay assistance programs are not applicable if you have Medicare. I don’t qualify and my monthly co-pay is $1100. That’s 5% of the drug’s cost. (I’m not complaining.)
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bharison, I am signing up for Medicare soon. May I ask were you able to get assistance through the copay assistance fund? Which one did you use? Did you have to qualify by making a certain cut off per year? What is your monthly copay for Trikafta? I would greatly apprecaite you helping me as this is weighing heavily on my mind.
My co-pay for Trikafta is $10. per order. is the web site for The Assistance Fund I get support from.
There are other support funds but this was the only one I qualified for. the CF Foundation Compass program was helpful is providing information on Medicare insurance plans and other assistance funds.


New member
I also use Medicare A&B and I think this is the best I have used others but this one is the best in my opinion


I went with the medicare advantage plans. you have to watch those though, you might need to switch plans like i did because the plan i had dropped my CF clinic hospital's pharmacy from their plan. There are multiple copay assistance options. do a search for copay assistance programs. i was told by one, they wouldn't cover me if I had more than one copay assistance. turns out, that's up to the program because frequently costs are greater than what one program covers (some up to $12,000 some to $15,000 for CF) what mine do is certain drugs are paid by one, and the other covers copay on others. I can't tell you what I actually pay for trikafta... Expect that in the first month, which is always your copay month, you'll go through the donut hole and land in stage 4 by February... according to my jan statement, trikafta was $24878 and my copay was 0. but that's because they charged my zenpep first which out of pocket was over $2000 (which copay relief covered.)