Do you lie


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Diane</b></i>

I I do however keep her up to date on things going on with cf namely people on the site who have had transplants, or just started using o2, or have passed away </end quote></div>

You are fortunate. I cant speak of any of this to my Mom. I believe the guilt is too much for my Mom. IF she truly listens its with so much guilt in her eye and tears in her heart (or is the other way lol) that I dont think she hears me anyway!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Diane</b></i>

I I do however keep her up to date on things going on with cf namely people on the site who have had transplants, or just started using o2, or have passed away </end quote></div>

You are fortunate. I cant speak of any of this to my Mom. I believe the guilt is too much for my Mom. IF she truly listens its with so much guilt in her eye and tears in her heart (or is the other way lol) that I dont think she hears me anyway!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Diane</b></i>

I I do however keep her up to date on things going on with cf namely people on the site who have had transplants, or just started using o2, or have passed away </end quote></div>

You are fortunate. I cant speak of any of this to my Mom. I believe the guilt is too much for my Mom. IF she truly listens its with so much guilt in her eye and tears in her heart (or is the other way lol) that I dont think she hears me anyway!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Diane</b></i>

I I do however keep her up to date on things going on with cf namely people on the site who have had transplants, or just started using o2, or have passed away </end quote></div>

You are fortunate. I cant speak of any of this to my Mom. I believe the guilt is too much for my Mom. IF she truly listens its with so much guilt in her eye and tears in her heart (or is the other way lol) that I dont think she hears me anyway!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Diane</b></i>

I I do however keep her up to date on things going on with cf namely people on the site who have had transplants, or just started using o2, or have passed away </end quote></div>

You are fortunate. I cant speak of any of this to my Mom. I believe the guilt is too much for my Mom. IF she truly listens its with so much guilt in her eye and tears in her heart (or is the other way lol) that I dont think she hears me anyway!


New member
i always tell my mom the truth about things. most of the time i tell my husband, every once in a while i wont tell him things right off, but i usually end up telling him. but when it comes to other people asking me about how appts and things went, i always say "fine" whether they were or not. I just don't like talking about it to other people because most of them wouldn't understand 80% of what i was telling them anyways.


New member
i always tell my mom the truth about things. most of the time i tell my husband, every once in a while i wont tell him things right off, but i usually end up telling him. but when it comes to other people asking me about how appts and things went, i always say "fine" whether they were or not. I just don't like talking about it to other people because most of them wouldn't understand 80% of what i was telling them anyways.


New member
i always tell my mom the truth about things. most of the time i tell my husband, every once in a while i wont tell him things right off, but i usually end up telling him. but when it comes to other people asking me about how appts and things went, i always say "fine" whether they were or not. I just don't like talking about it to other people because most of them wouldn't understand 80% of what i was telling them anyways.


New member
Here is the prespective of a spouse:

My husband does this...I just found out recently what his true lung functions are and it was quite a shock. I actually felt really betrayed and it was a real issue for us (and probably still is). So, I would be careful on this path... We are very selective about the information that we give to other people, but we are also very upfront about it and say "We are only going to tell you if we think that you need to know, etc." so they know up front that we aren't telling them everything and they accept that as our decision. I think that a situation where it might be a problem is if the people *think* that you are giving them all/correct information and you aren't or if you are downright lying to them. As someone who has been on the "receiving end" of the lying, I can tell you that it isn't any easier to be in the dark about the true situation and is in fact probably more difficult in the long run. Now, I always worry that my husband is downplaying how he is feeling, etc. and I feel like I am worrying much more.


New member
Here is the prespective of a spouse:

My husband does this...I just found out recently what his true lung functions are and it was quite a shock. I actually felt really betrayed and it was a real issue for us (and probably still is). So, I would be careful on this path... We are very selective about the information that we give to other people, but we are also very upfront about it and say "We are only going to tell you if we think that you need to know, etc." so they know up front that we aren't telling them everything and they accept that as our decision. I think that a situation where it might be a problem is if the people *think* that you are giving them all/correct information and you aren't or if you are downright lying to them. As someone who has been on the "receiving end" of the lying, I can tell you that it isn't any easier to be in the dark about the true situation and is in fact probably more difficult in the long run. Now, I always worry that my husband is downplaying how he is feeling, etc. and I feel like I am worrying much more.


New member
Here is the prespective of a spouse:

My husband does this...I just found out recently what his true lung functions are and it was quite a shock. I actually felt really betrayed and it was a real issue for us (and probably still is). So, I would be careful on this path... We are very selective about the information that we give to other people, but we are also very upfront about it and say "We are only going to tell you if we think that you need to know, etc." so they know up front that we aren't telling them everything and they accept that as our decision. I think that a situation where it might be a problem is if the people *think* that you are giving them all/correct information and you aren't or if you are downright lying to them. As someone who has been on the "receiving end" of the lying, I can tell you that it isn't any easier to be in the dark about the true situation and is in fact probably more difficult in the long run. Now, I always worry that my husband is downplaying how he is feeling, etc. and I feel like I am worrying much more.


New member
Thanks for your respnoses.. I think for me I am going to go with the plan of having one to three safe people that I am going to be brutally honest with.. and the rest I am going to be selective with.

I already started my path to being more honest.. and it is working out really well...

I think I will continue to go back to not sharing with most ppl though.. So far I have been testing it out.. and telling other ppl more things then I normally would and the looks on their face are very precious but they don't have a clue...

I am grateful to have a few people I can be very honest with and I am very lucky that I am loved enough that someone will stand in that my position in that place..



New member
Thanks for your respnoses.. I think for me I am going to go with the plan of having one to three safe people that I am going to be brutally honest with.. and the rest I am going to be selective with.

I already started my path to being more honest.. and it is working out really well...

I think I will continue to go back to not sharing with most ppl though.. So far I have been testing it out.. and telling other ppl more things then I normally would and the looks on their face are very precious but they don't have a clue...

I am grateful to have a few people I can be very honest with and I am very lucky that I am loved enough that someone will stand in that my position in that place..



New member
Thanks for your respnoses.. I think for me I am going to go with the plan of having one to three safe people that I am going to be brutally honest with.. and the rest I am going to be selective with.

I already started my path to being more honest.. and it is working out really well...

I think I will continue to go back to not sharing with most ppl though.. So far I have been testing it out.. and telling other ppl more things then I normally would and the looks on their face are very precious but they don't have a clue...

I am grateful to have a few people I can be very honest with and I am very lucky that I am loved enough that someone will stand in that my position in that place..
