Do you think there will be a cure?


New member
We all get down about it sometimes. A cure? Maybe, maybe not, but certainly there have been many advances in care for CF. I think that for a lot of people there is at least a better quality of life. There are so many things we know now that we didn't just a few years ago. In a few years, we should know even more. Try not to get too down.


New member
We all get down about it sometimes. A cure? Maybe, maybe not, but certainly there have been many advances in care for CF. I think that for a lot of people there is at least a better quality of life. There are so many things we know now that we didn't just a few years ago. In a few years, we should know even more. Try not to get too down.


New member
We all get down about it sometimes. A cure? Maybe, maybe not, but certainly there have been many advances in care for CF. I think that for a lot of people there is at least a better quality of life. There are so many things we know now that we didn't just a few years ago. In a few years, we should know even more. Try not to get too down.


New member
We all get down about it sometimes. A cure? Maybe, maybe not, but certainly there have been many advances in care for CF. I think that for a lot of people there is at least a better quality of life. There are so many things we know now that we didn't just a few years ago. In a few years, we should know even more. Try not to get too down.


New member
We all get down about it sometimes. A cure? Maybe, maybe not, but certainly there have been many advances in care for CF. I think that for a lot of people there is at least a better quality of life. There are so many things we know now that we didn't just a few years ago. In a few years, we should know even more. Try not to get too down.


New member
We all get down about it sometimes. A cure? Maybe, maybe not, but certainly there have been many advances in care for CF. I think that for a lot of people there is at least a better quality of life. There are so many things we know now that we didn't just a few years ago. In a few years, we should know even more. Try not to get too down.


New member
i have faith that eventually cf will be at least "very well treated" to the point that symptoms are non existant or minimal, i just hope that all of us are still around to see it happen. Don't lose faith, 30 years ago they would expect nearly all of us to be dead but we're not, that's something isn't it? Cf and many other genetic diseases in theory can be cured, its just finding that solution, it's only a matter of time if you ask me.


New member
i have faith that eventually cf will be at least "very well treated" to the point that symptoms are non existant or minimal, i just hope that all of us are still around to see it happen. Don't lose faith, 30 years ago they would expect nearly all of us to be dead but we're not, that's something isn't it? Cf and many other genetic diseases in theory can be cured, its just finding that solution, it's only a matter of time if you ask me.


New member
i have faith that eventually cf will be at least "very well treated" to the point that symptoms are non existant or minimal, i just hope that all of us are still around to see it happen. Don't lose faith, 30 years ago they would expect nearly all of us to be dead but we're not, that's something isn't it? Cf and many other genetic diseases in theory can be cured, its just finding that solution, it's only a matter of time if you ask me.


New member
i have faith that eventually cf will be at least "very well treated" to the point that symptoms are non existant or minimal, i just hope that all of us are still around to see it happen. Don't lose faith, 30 years ago they would expect nearly all of us to be dead but we're not, that's something isn't it? Cf and many other genetic diseases in theory can be cured, its just finding that solution, it's only a matter of time if you ask me.


New member
i have faith that eventually cf will be at least "very well treated" to the point that symptoms are non existant or minimal, i just hope that all of us are still around to see it happen. Don't lose faith, 30 years ago they would expect nearly all of us to be dead but we're not, that's something isn't it? Cf and many other genetic diseases in theory can be cured, its just finding that solution, it's only a matter of time if you ask me.


New member
i have faith that eventually cf will be at least "very well treated" to the point that symptoms are non existant or minimal, i just hope that all of us are still around to see it happen. Don't lose faith, 30 years ago they would expect nearly all of us to be dead but we're not, that's something isn't it? Cf and many other genetic diseases in theory can be cured, its just finding that solution, it's only a matter of time if you ask me.