Do you think there will be a cure?


New member
What I think? I think No, not a cure. Something to prevent it maybe. But as for us who have it already, I think we are always getting closer to better ways of maintaining CF. Look at the progress! Compared to most any other disease, Cystic Fibrosis research has come up with so many effective treatments, and still are. Compared to Cancer, we have hope. Cystic Fibrosis has come so far in a short amount of years. True, 10 years is long, but since then the life expectancy has gone waaaay up, medications discovered that are still effective ( pulmazime, Tobi ), machines updated ( small PARI's and Eflow ) and still all matter of new things being discovered. Has anyone here tried the Hyper Tonic Saline? That stuff, as nasty as it is, works wonders! And it's practically all natural! No side affects! I can' t say Cancer research has come up with anything so great like that.
I have hope. Hope for CF in general. For myself? I have faith in God and a firm resolve to go with His flow. And so far, His flow involved a whole lot of new and better things making life with CF just THAT more bearable.


New member
What I think? I think No, not a cure. Something to prevent it maybe. But as for us who have it already, I think we are always getting closer to better ways of maintaining CF. Look at the progress! Compared to most any other disease, Cystic Fibrosis research has come up with so many effective treatments, and still are. Compared to Cancer, we have hope. Cystic Fibrosis has come so far in a short amount of years. True, 10 years is long, but since then the life expectancy has gone waaaay up, medications discovered that are still effective ( pulmazime, Tobi ), machines updated ( small PARI's and Eflow ) and still all matter of new things being discovered. Has anyone here tried the Hyper Tonic Saline? That stuff, as nasty as it is, works wonders! And it's practically all natural! No side affects! I can' t say Cancer research has come up with anything so great like that.
I have hope. Hope for CF in general. For myself? I have faith in God and a firm resolve to go with His flow. And so far, His flow involved a whole lot of new and better things making life with CF just THAT more bearable.