My kids have always helped their brother. Someone said that it is just what they do and this is true. My kids are all 18 months a part so even the oldest was only 3 (by a 1 1/2 months) when Nathan was born and they really don't know any different than he does. As matter of fact, Chaise who is now 17 years old, wants to become a respiratory thearpist because of Nathan, his only fear is that the classes will be boring because he probally knows more than some of the teachers do about SOME of the equipment. In our family, this disease is a family thing, Nat knows that he is not alone and that his entire family is here and willing to help him in anyway that they can and that there is nothing his family wouldn't do or give up for him. We all wish we could trade places with him, but you know, he wouldn't do it even if we could because he hates it so much if one of his siblings is sick or gets hurt and can't stand it if he can't make them better. He says it is ok for him to get shots but he hates it if one of his siblings have to get one. There is nothing stronger or braver than a CFer! It is so awesome as a mom to see how the other kids respond to their brother and I know that if anything ever happened to me that Nat has 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister that will take excellent care of him for me. Don't get me wrong, they fight with one another and can be real mean at times, but I dare anyone else to try and see what happens, especially if someone decides to pick on Nat! They can if they want but nobody else can.
Happy Mothers Day to All,