When I was first dignoised with Addison's disease, I was told not to look information randomly up on the internet, especially when it came to steroids. Same thing with CF, because I was told I was not a typical case of CF, I can understand to some degree the point, this website in particular is my home away from home, and is wonderful, NO ONE diagnoises anyone, we just lend support, share information, and experiences which has changed my life for the good in so many ways.
However, if I scroll through the internet, I can find some really crappy, horror stories, worst case scenerios in both the diseases I have. Some web sites are made by people and it is very subjective information that only applied to their cases. An example is this addison's disease website, that I read.. Very few ppl in this world have addison's so we are a rare bunch... but, on this website, these people, many of them being misdiagnoised for years, myself included, are very bitter toward doctors, (not me anymore) and they try to treat themselves, they give each other medical advise on changing their meds, IT is very dangerous and stupid...and I so wish I had a different place to share ideas with, though recently I did meet another CFer who lives in England that has Addison's... we IM.. but I am digressing here..
I say support groups, education from the correct sources, and everything else this website ( though I am wondering if the persons doctor meant just random information on the website) and many of the other Cf websites offers is a wonderful source of enrichment in someone's life, I have been on some really crappy websites in the name of information searching about steroid use, addison's disease, and also CF where I was personally horrified, and found it do nothing but cause anxiety in me, only to find it wasn't true information....
Before I dumped this doctor, I would find out more specifically how he felt about qualified websites, if he was still against it, then I would consider an alternate doctor.
Just my half pennies worth,