Does any have or has had a portacath?


New member
My doctor told me I would have to get one if I have to go back to the hospital for a "tune-up". I'm scared of going "under the knife" again.They said I would have to get one somewhere the area little bit above my chest or whatever. I don't want the needle to be right there cause I already hate needles but put a needle on my chest NO WAY<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0"> Anyways if you can tell me what its like to have one and how long did it take the doctors to put one in you? Thanx for anyones help.

Tiffany 15 w/cf


New member
Hi Tiffany,

I'm 33 w/cf and am on my second port. My first one was on my right upper chest, right below my shoulder and it lasted for 9years and 2 months. My current port is on my left upper chest right under the shoulder. I got both ports placed at the same time as sinus surgery so i can't really tell you how long it took. If i remember right my surgeon who placed the last port said the procedure only took 20 minutes if that! I'm really glad I have a port. It sure beats all those sticks!!!

Good Luck,
Caren 33w/CF


New member
My experience is that ports are better than picc lines. I was nervous about getting it, but now would never go back to picc lines. Talk with your doctor about your options on where to put it - under collarbone upper chest is probably most common, but I've read the women on this site putting it in a little different place. When accessed, you can't even see it under my clothes (I hardly notice it's there). Also, they can teach you how you (or your care giver) can access it yourself. It might be scary at first, but you can do it! Make sure the docs/nurses take time to address your concerns and don't stop asking questions until your satisfied. Good luck!


New member
As for not wanting needles in your chest... it's not like you might think it is. It's not likt there's a giant creepy needle just jutting out from your chest. The majority of the needle is in the port itself, and therefore it makes no difference where the port is. The only thing you feel getting stuck, really, is the 1/2 an inch or so of skin on top of the port. And that's so small that it doesn't hurt. Plus they use TINY needles. Really thin ones. It is going "under the knife" as you said, but it's also pretty easy surgery. I was in and out in less than a day. I went in that morning, got out, woke up, waited around for a while, and then was out that afternoon. I love my port, MUCH more convenient than PICC lines.


New member
I understand the not wanting a needle in ur chest. I feel the same way. You should talk to your doctor about other places to put it due to your fear of needles. I got my first port at 15 yrs old and being a typical girl, i was insecure about things. I didnt want it showing. So they gave me the option of putting it under my left breast. So i did it there. I love it there. It lasted me for 7 years. I got my second one this past March and it is in the same location. As far as going "under the knife", its not bad. Its an in and out thing. I had my surgery (the second one, the first was during a normal hospital stay) and was in and out. Stayed around for a few hours, made sure everything was okay and I was able to go. I was a little sore, but not bad. I love my port. Its easier to work around than a picc line. More freedom in my option.


New member
My Son was also against getting a port, he absolutely refused to have one until the day finally came that he had no choice. I used to tell him how people loved their ports and he would laugh. Finally he had to give in and get one and just couldn't get over how much better it was. He told me he wished he'd gotten one long ago and said how much he "loved his port"

I've got a port a cath. and It beats having to go in and them having to stick and poke looking for good veins. and missing them. Mine is right under the collar bone like. thats the best place. but its a Great thing they came out with! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I've had a port since December and i absolutely LOVE IT!!!! It was the best medical descision I've ever made. And honestly, I'd rather have a little bump on my chest (which you can't see when i'm wearing clothes anyways) then have the hassle of <i>trying</i> to have a PICC put in.

Either way its good that you're doing some research and getting others' opinions about the subject! Good luck to you!!


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I've got to jump on the bandwagon and fully agree with everyone here. I've have my port for 4 years -- best medical decision I ever made. SO much easier and less painful than picc lines. Mine is in my upper chest and can't be seen with clothing but obvious as can be with my shirt off. I'd do it in a less conspicuous place if I have to do it again. Sounds like arms are controversial but under the chest area seems less noticeable.


New member
i got my first port when i was 11 i was really scared about getting one as it was my first ever op,i was a bit sore but not as bad as some other ops i've port was placed on my right side just down a bit from my armpit and just above my bra line,i think it's the best place to have a port even wearing a bikini you can't see it.i'm 22 now and on my second port, my first one lasted 7 years.whoever invented them should get a medal.


New member
I'm 24 w/cf and I have a port I just got a year and it in my right chest under my shoulder and I love it
if you get the surgery will not last long I think my lasted about hour and was out of the hospital with 2 hours and when you have to get the port acccess there is a special cream
that will numb the sink and you will not feel it
hope this helps
PS e-mail if you have any ?