Does anyone have any tips on taking their enzymes?


New member
Hey my name is Christina, I hate taking my meds I take 4 with my meals unless its a big meal than I take 5. When I was in grade school, I never took my meds. My doctors said I needed to take them or I would loose weight fast. But now I take them and it is hard to remember them. I used to hide them under the table or take them before I left the house. I had alot of people ask me why do you have to take them? and I would say I have CF and of course they asked me what is it? and I would say it was a disease. Most of the people were my friends. Only my good friends now about my disease. I am now 18 and I don't care what people think of me when I take them. I don't hide them I leave them in its bottle and I keep them in my bag. So when I do take them out people can see, its from the doctors and not some kind of drug. I'm trying really hard to stay healthy, but it is hard when you have doctors on your butt telling you to do this and that. But anywase once you don't care what people think its alot easer to take them. Good luck

CF Buddy Christina


New member
Hey my name is Christina, I hate taking my meds I take 4 with my meals unless its a big meal than I take 5. When I was in grade school, I never took my meds. My doctors said I needed to take them or I would loose weight fast. But now I take them and it is hard to remember them. I used to hide them under the table or take them before I left the house. I had alot of people ask me why do you have to take them? and I would say I have CF and of course they asked me what is it? and I would say it was a disease. Most of the people were my friends. Only my good friends now about my disease. I am now 18 and I don't care what people think of me when I take them. I don't hide them I leave them in its bottle and I keep them in my bag. So when I do take them out people can see, its from the doctors and not some kind of drug. I'm trying really hard to stay healthy, but it is hard when you have doctors on your butt telling you to do this and that. But anywase once you don't care what people think its alot easer to take them. Good luck

CF Buddy Christina


New member
I'm sooo sneaky when I take them, even around my friends...though not around my family. It's weird because my friends are all aware of my CF too & amazing. I carry them in a little mints container in my purse and sometimes when I'm out I'll only take as many as I feel safe sneaking (I'm supposed to take four w/ meals). Sometimes I go to the bathroom or someplace private just for a minute before or after eating so I can swallow them - I can dry-swallow two at a time. I hate drawing attention to myself for it.. I wish I could just be comfortable with it, but I'm not. Maybe if I'd never hidden them from the beginning, I'd be comfortable now .. so if anyone out there is diagnosed late, like in their teens, I'd suggest just coming out with it and not hiding it. But anyway, I am who I am, & it's not that I'm ashamed of CF, it's just that I'm not comfortable with all those questioning looks...yet.


New member
I'm sooo sneaky when I take them, even around my friends...though not around my family. It's weird because my friends are all aware of my CF too & amazing. I carry them in a little mints container in my purse and sometimes when I'm out I'll only take as many as I feel safe sneaking (I'm supposed to take four w/ meals). Sometimes I go to the bathroom or someplace private just for a minute before or after eating so I can swallow them - I can dry-swallow two at a time. I hate drawing attention to myself for it.. I wish I could just be comfortable with it, but I'm not. Maybe if I'd never hidden them from the beginning, I'd be comfortable now .. so if anyone out there is diagnosed late, like in their teens, I'd suggest just coming out with it and not hiding it. But anyway, I am who I am, & it's not that I'm ashamed of CF, it's just that I'm not comfortable with all those questioning looks...yet.


New member
I'm sooo sneaky when I take them, even around my friends...though not around my family. It's weird because my friends are all aware of my CF too & amazing. I carry them in a little mints container in my purse and sometimes when I'm out I'll only take as many as I feel safe sneaking (I'm supposed to take four w/ meals). Sometimes I go to the bathroom or someplace private just for a minute before or after eating so I can swallow them - I can dry-swallow two at a time. I hate drawing attention to myself for it.. I wish I could just be comfortable with it, but I'm not. Maybe if I'd never hidden them from the beginning, I'd be comfortable now .. so if anyone out there is diagnosed late, like in their teens, I'd suggest just coming out with it and not hiding it. But anyway, I am who I am, & it's not that I'm ashamed of CF, it's just that I'm not comfortable with all those questioning looks...yet.


Ehhh...I'm so used to it now, that it doesnt bother me much anymore. I keep them in an advil container in my purse, so that way it kinda looks like im just taking advil...but even if i dont have that bottle, I just pop em in... like you RafaelPalazzo...i used to take them in class too...hahaha...whenever I eat come one...unless of course i forget


Ehhh...I'm so used to it now, that it doesnt bother me much anymore. I keep them in an advil container in my purse, so that way it kinda looks like im just taking advil...but even if i dont have that bottle, I just pop em in... like you RafaelPalazzo...i used to take them in class too...hahaha...whenever I eat come one...unless of course i forget


Ehhh...I'm so used to it now, that it doesnt bother me much anymore. I keep them in an advil container in my purse, so that way it kinda looks like im just taking advil...but even if i dont have that bottle, I just pop em in... like you RafaelPalazzo...i used to take them in class too...hahaha...whenever I eat come one...unless of course i forget