Does anyone have only digestive issues??????


New member
Just wondering if anyone was diagnosed later on and only had digestive issues? And if so when did your digestive symptoms first present themselves? My nephew is 11 and is having stomach problems....loose stools (diahrea sp?) and stomach cramps. I dont think it floats or is greasy but I am not positive. He was a very large baby and toddler but now is very skinny. I dont think his mother mentioned cf to the doctor but the doctor did say he was too old to just now be having symptoms of something genetic. He has never had any lung problems. I was just wondering if he should be tested for cf just in case. My son has cf so it does run on our side of the family. Thanks


New member
I was Diagnosed at 12 because of digestive problems. I had no other symptons until I was in my 20s. I weighed 49 pounds when I was diagnosed.


New member
My sister was also diagnosed at 12 although I can't remember her weight. She still has no lung involvment at 15.



New member
TO answer your question...I was diagnosed at five. I have mainly intestinal involvement with this. I have extreemly mild lung disease. I do aerosol and chest cpt just once a day. I have not been on antibiotics for my lungs for about a year. When I do have lung involvement it is very mild and short lived. The most that makes me know i have a bit of lung envolvement is the occasional shortness of breath. Of course, now that I am 7 mos pregnant that may be a big part of that too.


New member
I would get a test done, mostly because there's cf in the family. My mother in law works at a nursing home. A few months back they admitted a new patient in her 60's. She hadn't been diagnosed until her 30's when she started having a lot of lung problems. She had digestive issues most of her life though. She had some cf in her family history. If it were a blood test he could find out if he's just a carrier too, because that info could be useful when he's older and thinking about kids.



New member
Hi Dees4 -

I'm coming out of lurker status to put in my two cents worth. My brother, age 38, (diagnosed at age 32) has solely gut issues (I'm the lucky one who got the lung stuff - lol). I believe the last PFTs he blew showed an FEV1 of 100% plus. I would strongly suggest he be tested at an accredited CF center "just in case". The sooner treatment begins the better as I'm sure you are already aware. If I can be of any further assistance feel fre to ask. Good luck!

44 w/CF


New member
cf is mainly diagnosed from gut issues my friend was not diagnosed until she was eleven and they told her she had asthma obviously these are connected with blocked bowels and weight loss.


New member
I agree and think that you should get him tested just in case. However coeliacs disease (gluten intolerane) presents digestive issues similar, with loose stools etc. and this can strike at any age, hence why you don't need to have had any digestive issues in the past. Its just a thought. Hope all goes well

Mel 15 w/cf