Yes! Although I have not been trained I do think that after 18 yrs. I know what my girls sound like.
I have used a stethescope to just listen so that I know what they sound like on a "normal" basis and when they are sick so that I know when something different might be going on. I also will just lay my ear on their front, back, sides and chest just to listen. Again when well and not well. How do you know what you are hearing if you only listen when they are sick? Kinda like "is my throat red?" and you only look in there once in a while when their throat is sore, how would you really know?
Now, I don't HAVE/NEED to listen to my Anna's lungs but when I do, it's to hear how beautiful they sound.
I think we should all know what our kids sound like because we are Mom/Dad and nurse, teacher, counselor etc.
I have used a stethescope to just listen so that I know what they sound like on a "normal" basis and when they are sick so that I know when something different might be going on. I also will just lay my ear on their front, back, sides and chest just to listen. Again when well and not well. How do you know what you are hearing if you only listen when they are sick? Kinda like "is my throat red?" and you only look in there once in a while when their throat is sore, how would you really know?
Now, I don't HAVE/NEED to listen to my Anna's lungs but when I do, it's to hear how beautiful they sound.
I think we should all know what our kids sound like because we are Mom/Dad and nurse, teacher, counselor etc.