Leah, The social worker at Children's helped me out. Even though I have primary insurance Mass health picked her up because under the states guide line CF is a disability. It has really helped me out because Malora's meds cost about $3,000 amonth. Mass Health picked up the copays which were killing me. Plus every time Malora needed something done to that poor body it was a copay of $350.00. I was left with nothing to live on because all my money went to taking care of her. All I needed to do was have proof of her health. Iam a single mom with no child support but I do work full time. Keep in mind the Mass Health only covered her and not my son and I. Which is ok since we only go to the doctors maybe twice a year. Malora goes every week. I would try again.
Cheryl mom to Malora 15 w/cf
Cheryl mom to Malora 15 w/cf