Does anyone recognize these symptoms


New member
Only thing else I might add to any of this is do you have body aches and pains for the rest the day after this happens.. arms legs central body, any or all of... Big thing would be check in with your doctors see what they think, where its happened repeatedly I would start to show a little consern and yes look for patterns. cause its those patterns that will let the docs know what actions to take. Best of luck with this.


New member
Only thing else I might add to any of this is do you have body aches and pains for the rest the day after this happens.. arms legs central body, any or all of... Big thing would be check in with your doctors see what they think, where its happened repeatedly I would start to show a little consern and yes look for patterns. cause its those patterns that will let the docs know what actions to take. Best of luck with this.


New member
Could be a lot of things. The main things to check when these episodes occur is your heart rate, your blood pressure, and your blood sugar. If all of these things are normal, then you'll have to dig a little deeper.


New member
Could be a lot of things. The main things to check when these episodes occur is your heart rate, your blood pressure, and your blood sugar. If all of these things are normal, then you'll have to dig a little deeper.