Does this ever happen to you or is it just me?


New member
I think it also has to do with the age of kids and that they are jealous of you being skinny. I educated all my friends of what CF was and they still went to the social worker and said that I was anorixic. They just didn't believe that CFers were skinny, or they just didn't want to believe. There are just people out there that need to cause drama I think. These same people 10 years later can't believe they did that.


New member
yea that's true well I guess i'll just tell them it's Cf and if they don't beleive me then I don't vare i'll tell them to look it up if they don't <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> well thanks everyone


New member
yea that's true well I guess i'll just tell them it's Cf and if they don't beleive me then I don't vare i'll tell them to look it up if they don't <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> well thanks everyone


New member
yea that's true well I guess i'll just tell them it's Cf and if they don't beleive me then I don't vare i'll tell them to look it up if they don't <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> well thanks everyone


New member
to add one more thing... it's all in how you present it.

if you get defensive or act embarassed or like you're trying to hide something, peopel will suspect something strange is going on.

on the other hand, if you're very calm, pleasant and matter-of-fact about it, and act like it's no big deal but you're happy to educate them, the people will treat it like it's no big deal as well. people take their cues from YOU!

1/2 of what you communicate isn't the words that you use, but rather your body language, tone of voice, etc. focus on that <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
to add one more thing... it's all in how you present it.

if you get defensive or act embarassed or like you're trying to hide something, peopel will suspect something strange is going on.

on the other hand, if you're very calm, pleasant and matter-of-fact about it, and act like it's no big deal but you're happy to educate them, the people will treat it like it's no big deal as well. people take their cues from YOU!

1/2 of what you communicate isn't the words that you use, but rather your body language, tone of voice, etc. focus on that <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
to add one more thing... it's all in how you present it.

if you get defensive or act embarassed or like you're trying to hide something, peopel will suspect something strange is going on.

on the other hand, if you're very calm, pleasant and matter-of-fact about it, and act like it's no big deal but you're happy to educate them, the people will treat it like it's no big deal as well. people take their cues from YOU!

1/2 of what you communicate isn't the words that you use, but rather your body language, tone of voice, etc. focus on that <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
my sister always does she is 5'7'' and 120 pounds... my brother doesnt have a problem gaining weight he is 185, and one of my sisters teachers actually accused her of smoking because of her phlemmy cough (how rude)... anyway hit me up if you need anything


New member
my sister always does she is 5'7'' and 120 pounds... my brother doesnt have a problem gaining weight he is 185, and one of my sisters teachers actually accused her of smoking because of her phlemmy cough (how rude)... anyway hit me up if you need anything


New member
my sister always does she is 5'7'' and 120 pounds... my brother doesnt have a problem gaining weight he is 185, and one of my sisters teachers actually accused her of smoking because of her phlemmy cough (how rude)... anyway hit me up if you need anything


New member
i have been accused of anorexic so many times its not funny after the first time its not all that bad, as long as i now i dont then it shouldnt madder wat people think of ur body or the way u look cause i cant find manythings that fit me and it makes me mad but i just have to deal with life ya know but any ways if u ever want to talk bout this contact me at i am 14 and i have had this all my life so i am very used to listening and hering things like this so u can talk to me!


New member
i have been accused of anorexic so many times its not funny after the first time its not all that bad, as long as i now i dont then it shouldnt madder wat people think of ur body or the way u look cause i cant find manythings that fit me and it makes me mad but i just have to deal with life ya know but any ways if u ever want to talk bout this contact me at i am 14 and i have had this all my life so i am very used to listening and hering things like this so u can talk to me!


New member
i have been accused of anorexic so many times its not funny after the first time its not all that bad, as long as i now i dont then it shouldnt madder wat people think of ur body or the way u look cause i cant find manythings that fit me and it makes me mad but i just have to deal with life ya know but any ways if u ever want to talk bout this contact me at i am 14 and i have had this all my life so i am very used to listening and hering things like this so u can talk to me!


People used to whisper about me being anorexic, eating disorders, that kind of crap.
Or when you cough they think you have a cold or you're a smoker, "cut down to a pack a day, why don't ya?"
People (especially in high school) are rude jerks. they should focus attention on themselves.
You're right it is stressful. but don't feel guilty.
only explain it to them if you want to. otherwise, screw them. if they actually gave a damn, they ASK you rather ACCUSE you.
the way I got the kids in my elementary school to stop talking about me was I did a class project (where you had to read your report in front of the whole class) on CF.
that did the trick.

then in high school I did an article on it for the school paper. I had my name on the story but didn't say I had it. that was more a subtle approach, ah well.
Good luck. remember, school doesn't last forever. it'll get better soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


People used to whisper about me being anorexic, eating disorders, that kind of crap.
Or when you cough they think you have a cold or you're a smoker, "cut down to a pack a day, why don't ya?"
People (especially in high school) are rude jerks. they should focus attention on themselves.
You're right it is stressful. but don't feel guilty.
only explain it to them if you want to. otherwise, screw them. if they actually gave a damn, they ASK you rather ACCUSE you.
the way I got the kids in my elementary school to stop talking about me was I did a class project (where you had to read your report in front of the whole class) on CF.
that did the trick.

then in high school I did an article on it for the school paper. I had my name on the story but didn't say I had it. that was more a subtle approach, ah well.
Good luck. remember, school doesn't last forever. it'll get better soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


People used to whisper about me being anorexic, eating disorders, that kind of crap.
Or when you cough they think you have a cold or you're a smoker, "cut down to a pack a day, why don't ya?"
People (especially in high school) are rude jerks. they should focus attention on themselves.
You're right it is stressful. but don't feel guilty.
only explain it to them if you want to. otherwise, screw them. if they actually gave a damn, they ASK you rather ACCUSE you.
the way I got the kids in my elementary school to stop talking about me was I did a class project (where you had to read your report in front of the whole class) on CF.
that did the trick.

then in high school I did an article on it for the school paper. I had my name on the story but didn't say I had it. that was more a subtle approach, ah well.
Good luck. remember, school doesn't last forever. it'll get better soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


People used to whisper about me being anorexic, eating disorders, that kind of crap.
Or when you cough they think you have a cold or you're a smoker, "cut down to a pack a day, why don't ya?"
People (especially in high school) are rude jerks. they should focus attention on themselves.
You're right it is stressful. but don't feel guilty.
only explain it to them if you want to. otherwise, screw them. if they actually gave a damn, they ASK you rather ACCUSE you.
the way I got the kids in my elementary school to stop talking about me was I did a class project (where you had to read your report in front of the whole class) on CF.
that did the trick.

then in high school I did an article on it for the school paper. I had my name on the story but didn't say I had it. that was more a subtle approach, ah well.
Good luck. remember, school doesn't last forever. it'll get better soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


People used to whisper about me being anorexic, eating disorders, that kind of crap.
Or when you cough they think you have a cold or you're a smoker, "cut down to a pack a day, why don't ya?"
People (especially in high school) are rude jerks. they should focus attention on themselves.
You're right it is stressful. but don't feel guilty.
only explain it to them if you want to. otherwise, screw them. if they actually gave a damn, they ASK you rather ACCUSE you.
the way I got the kids in my elementary school to stop talking about me was I did a class project (where you had to read your report in front of the whole class) on CF.
that did the trick.

then in high school I did an article on it for the school paper. I had my name on the story but didn't say I had it. that was more a subtle approach, ah well.
Good luck. remember, school doesn't last forever. it'll get better soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Yeah i get the odd coment now and then about being skinny and short but i know there just messing and joking because i've explained about cf to them so i dont take it very personally, so maybe if you told your mates that you have cf they would be more understanding.


New member
Yeah i get the odd coment now and then about being skinny and short but i know there just messing and joking because i've explained about cf to them so i dont take it very personally, so maybe if you told your mates that you have cf they would be more understanding.